@TimG_OP wrote:
As of right now, there is undoubtedly a decent amount of people that like the game but are discouraged by not having the option to play solo's. Adding solo's would just make the game more appealing to a wider audience while changing nothing for the people that like the current team aspect of the game.
I see a lot of people complaining about getting teamed up with selfish randoms who don't communicate and just do their own thing. These are people that would solo queue if the option was available, leaving you with a better gaming experience since you would generally be grouped up with people who want to be in teams.
If they add solo's and you don't like it then just continue to play the game the same way you are right now. It literally doesn't affect you.
No it doesn't need solo/duo. You know why? Because I guarantee you're gonna hate it. And then you will leave it. You are trying to change the dynamic of the game that separates itself from the monotony of traditional BR. This game was built around THE SQUAD, and the MECHANICS of a squad. It what sets this game apart from all the other trash BR games. Squads in Fortnite or CoD did absolutely nothing. Squads in this game changes the whole dynamic of combat, which is why their decision truly raised the bar above traditional BR.
If you wanna play solo, then get back to Fortnite and CoD. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a game designer publishing something that seperates itself from the rest of the genre. They aren't forcing you to play this game.
And whether you support this game or not, Respawn, and Apex Legends will continue to rise in popularity because it already appeals to a bigger audience. The audience that despised the traditional BR model.
My entire friends list is full of people that hated BR...until this game dropped. Now my entire friends list is literally playing one game. Apex is EXACTLY what BR needed.