Forum Discussion
Honestly, I love the new skins and whatnot, but TBH, I'm not going to drop a single dime passed a few "regular" Apex packs (not the $7 dollar Iron Crown, Apex Packs). I'll play solo's until it's removed, but I won't pay for it. The people who requested it the most, will pay for it. . Yeah
The sole point I’m raising here is that the prices are arguably extortionate and that there’s a better way to operate. I have no qualms with Respawn providing additional content at a cost, that is fair. However the pricing and the way EA is marketing such things, so not fair.
Such event based content like legendary skins amount to nothing more than quick cash grabs essentially.
Think of it this way; Respawn and EA had reported a decrease in both revenue and players only a few months after Apex Legends was released. This also goes for twitch views.
However with every season so far, upon new content being added, the playerbase goes up, as does twitch views and the number of people spending money to buy said new content.
This is all good, yet EA employ a “here’s a hint of what you can get, but it’s time limited so give us your money or you’ll never see it again”, form of tactic.
In this Iron Crown event you may be able to earn two of the event items through free packs after grinding for them.
But after that players are often lead to believe that because you “may not see these features again”, there is added pressure to make a purchase. Especially when you consider the player has no choice whatsoever over what rewards they receive.
So once the season or the event ends, that’s it. If you got the free items but they weren’t for your favourite legend and instead was just a banner and Mozambique skin, that’s it... unless you fork out the the cash.
Then when nothing else can be earned through gameplay, the playerbase goes down along with the twitch views and the revenue.
So when there’s nothing to grind for in between seasons, players are instantly curious at the slightest hint at new content as they’ve spent a month or so playing games only to get that almost entirely useless 600 credits per level up.
New content arrives and the players eat it up, often negligent of the cost.
- 6 years ago
Predatory in what way though'? It's all just cosmetic garbage. You get the game for free and don't need to spend a penny on it EVER to play it the same as anyone else :/
- 6 years ago@Anlbrd I refer to predatory in the sense that the way this additional content is marketed and is specifically designed to take advantage of people who either value the cosmetic items who then use them to enhance their own sense of identity. Or those who are easily manipulated into thinking these items are necessary to feel like you’re winning in the game.
EA uses a “It’s here now, but it will be gone later” tactic. So when players who are easily susceptible to being coerced into purchasing this dlc are presented with a time limited offer, their sense of need for these things is increased.
So you could question, if this is a free to play game and the purchasable items have no real effect on gameplay like you say... Why charge so much if they don’t matter?
And why do you stop earning Apex coins after reaching level 100?
The answer isn’t “well the game studio needs additional revenue”...
The answer is EA have become a multi billion dollar industry machine through unsustainable business strategies, so now they’re doing everything they can to convince their consumers they “need” to spend more money on more content as that’s the only way to enjoy said content.- 6 years ago@dtOddity92 You're right.
The answer isn’t “well the game studio needs additional revenue”...
Indeed - the answer is "well the game studio needs revenue"
- 6 years ago
I was happy with 2 free boxes from event and considering I've unboxed a bunch of free legendary skins just from leveling up it didn't matter what I got.
I'm happy playing the game for free and have made the choice to support the game. I bought battle pass, and I am more than willing to throw a little cash for the Iron Crown event boxes.
Thank you for an awesome FTP game, and anyone who actually thinks this qualifies are predatory sales tactics are wrong. How people cannot grasp that you are paying for an RNG roll is beyond me.
Cosmetics don't help you win, you may feel a little more confident in your new skin but that's it. There is no pay to win, no predatory tactics. If you don't feel a RNG roll for one of the possible items is worth 700 Apex coins then don't buy it. It's that simple, but somehow that gets twisted into predatory tactics...many people failing at logic these days.
- 6 years ago
What a useless thread. You're complaining about cosmetics, that you chose to buy. These items have no effect on gameplay what so ever, nor do they give another player any type of advantage. Generation of wha wha wha, boo hoo hoo. The game is FREE you don't have to spend a dime to enjoy the actual game. It's your own choice to spend your money to look different. Get over yourself.
You willingly bought packs knowing it was a gamble then call it predatory monetization. Your logic is pretty far off.
Now, I'm off to enjoy the awesome game EA created. Ill be rocking my snake skin on octane that I got for free. Happy hunting legends.
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