Forum Discussion
@dtOddity92 That's nice, i give respect for that.
- 6 years ago
I just want to know if we'll be able to use crafting metal like with the Legendary Hunt event, since I've been sitting on the metal I earned through the battle pass to spend on one of the event legendaries. The update article conveniently says nothing about crafting metal, which leads me to believe they're still trying to squeeze us of money.
- 6 years ago@wheel_dragon_lk I doubt it. I think the whole point of these Iron Crown cosmetics being time-limited and at a higher prices was solely meant to highlight their "exclusivity" and act as a means to generate higher revenue than usual seeing as how it has been decreasing gradually over time prior to the event and season 2.
The developers likely never intended for these new epic and legendary cosmetic items to be accessible to all players unless they invest money to gain that access. Which is only emphasised though the fact Respawn have responded to the community displeasure by making them individually purchasable items on rotation in the store and not by given the players alternative ways to obtain them through gameplay alone.
I hope you get the skins you want, I really do. However for the foreseeable future, they'll definitely be locked behind a paywall.- 6 years ago
Well,this update has been an encouraging step frankly. It's good to see that respawn have been frank about their goals with this event and aint just money grabbing mercenaries.
I hope going forward they do honour this and it isn't just lip service. Hopefully respawn will be a bit more transparent about future events rather than just generating a lot of hype for their events only to throw a sneaky curveball in on in release.
As i've said previously i'm happy to pay...but i'm not gonna break the bank in order to support a game.
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