Forum Discussion
I just want to know if we'll be able to use crafting metal like with the Legendary Hunt event, since I've been sitting on the metal I earned through the battle pass to spend on one of the event legendaries. The update article conveniently says nothing about crafting metal, which leads me to believe they're still trying to squeeze us of money.
The developers likely never intended for these new epic and legendary cosmetic items to be accessible to all players unless they invest money to gain that access. Which is only emphasised though the fact Respawn have responded to the community displeasure by making them individually purchasable items on rotation in the store and not by given the players alternative ways to obtain them through gameplay alone.
I hope you get the skins you want, I really do. However for the foreseeable future, they'll definitely be locked behind a paywall.
- 6 years ago
Well,this update has been an encouraging step frankly. It's good to see that respawn have been frank about their goals with this event and aint just money grabbing mercenaries.
I hope going forward they do honour this and it isn't just lip service. Hopefully respawn will be a bit more transparent about future events rather than just generating a lot of hype for their events only to throw a sneaky curveball in on in release.
As i've said previously i'm happy to pay...but i'm not gonna break the bank in order to support a game.
- 6 years ago
there is something wrong with either my perception of acceptable prices or the rest of the forums .... we actually accepted the rip offs they serve us 1800 coins .... 18 euros ???
At first i thought these apex packs are a mistake they gonna try fixing since its obviously insane rip off .... 10 different colour skins thousands of useless crap to get a decent skin and now they add even less value of our money.... fk this I wont be spending another euro on this rip off
- 6 years ago
@Sarrgeras a lot of people wanted specific skins, this gives them the opportunity to get them without spending the huge amounts of cash the iron crown packs would have set them back.
Not saying it's right or wrong but that's the logic.
- 6 years ago@dtOddity92 yup, I don't think they ever reduce the price. I'll say if they keep it up with good contents and server perf, ppl will be happier to spend $$$ on the game
- 6 years ago
where is the good content ? And where is the supported performance ?? DO you see servers changing, CODE : net not showing up, CODE : Leaf not showing up all i see is insane prices showing up and people supporting it. Maybe I am just to poor to play this game and drop 700 euros in order to have all the skins for a game that is crashing and disconecting all the time.
How many games did you encounter cheaters, how many times during the day game crashes, how many games are laging as hell ???
- 6 years ago
Apex Crash Message
Apex crashed in d3d11.More technical information should be available in "apex_crash.txt" in your Documents folder.
Ctrl+C in this window will copy this message so you can paste it as text.
---------------------------guess what ???
- 6 years ago@MandatoryIDtag I think you have to bare in mind the language company representatives learn to use when addressing their consumers.
Like how they seemingly express their humanity and sympathise with us to help divert our attention from the fact that what they've done is actually quite unethical.
Yes they've promised to try and do better, however they say this IMMEDIATELY after admitting having broken their previous promises.
They're like a child saying "I know I broke that promise but this time I reeeaaallllllyyy mean it!" All whilst crossing their fingers behind their back.
Nothing is set in stone. We can only wait and see if they truly intend to deliver the community content that proves more accessible than elitist.
For now we should just try to enjoy the game for what it is, without getting overly political about unnecessary cosmetics.
I mean most of us will likely be playing something else in a couple of months anyhow, so what does it matter if we don't invest more into this?
And why should we invest when it's now abundantly clear that some of the devs have proven they despise the player base. - 6 years ago@MandatoryIDtag You're absolutely right. People are perfectly happy to pay for something they want if they feel they want it badly enough. And most of the community have only been vexed by their lack of accessibility to the items they want. At least now they have a choice. It's definitely the best of a bad situation.
We can only hope that future content is more ethically marketed and consumer friendly. Though given how some of the devs have responded to the dismay of their player base I'm guessing the next cosmetic skin will consist solely of a pair of buttocks placed on the head of each legend.
That way we can all play as what the devs think we are. - 6 years ago@d3adc3II I don't think so either.
Plus it's all well and good believing in their promises, but just remember their saying them through smiling teeth.
Like the way a ventriloquist doll talks, with the hand that's used to move the mouth clearly belonging to EA. - 6 years ago@Sarrgeras There’s nothing wrong with your perception of acceptable prices. They’re still extortionate.
But we accept them because we must right now.
The devs have told us they’re not gonna change the prices, it’s as simple as that. A company isn’t going to abandon it’s proven successful monetisation schemes on a whim just because a fraction of their consumer audience is vexed by it. Don’t be daft. Yes we’re complaining but only so that they see sense in the future so crap like this happens less often.
And where’s the good content and improvements, you ask?
Oh I don’t know... Maybe in the additional game modes, countless bug fixes, UI changes and core game balancing that’s been going on over the last few months.
The code issues are major problems yes, but do you honestly expect them to be easy fixes done quickly?
That a dev walks into work, sits at their desk and simply edits a handful of lines of code to then say “there… fixed it, no problem”?
It requires concise testing and trial and error before releasing a viable build that covers all platforms.
Look at Anthem… They rushed out builds to try and meet the player dismay only for it to prove more damaging every single time.
So if you think it’s as easy as editing a single line of code. Simply cutting out and replacing the bad bits. Then by all means why not head over to Respawn’s studio in California yourself, knock on the door and say “hello, I’m here to fix you’re coding issues”. I mean it beats sitting here complaining about it, right?
I mean you must have spare time on your hands if you can't seem to play the game.
Some things just take time and we all have to be patient for them, whether we like it or not.
As for the question you posed on your comment though?
How many cheaters? Zero
How many crashes? Only twice over the last 5 months.
How many latency issues? A handful of times at most.
Fun Fact: Not everyone experiences the exact same issues!
It’s easy enough to say “FIX THIS NOW DEVS” but when you bare in mind the fact they’re case by case problems that many don’t even bother reporting on, how do you expect them to diagnose the real cause of the problem easily?
Especially when changes will affect the whole community, even those who aren’t as affected. They have to go through each issue one by one to find causality. It’s never just *bloop* here’s a fix.
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