Forum Discussion
I agree that there should be something to keep stacked teams from annihilating everyone in their wake, their opponents being merely meatshields and loot-packs for them to snowball to a win. I just got out of a random duo (third bailed when we were just about to respawn him) with an insanely skilled Wraith and me and him tore through the battlefield as if we've lived there for thousands of years.
I started off getting absolutely stomped by these players so I definitely understand the frustration but anyone can learn to play at that level of skill. The training range isn't much, but it's something and there are a lot of drills you can do that simulate the movements actual players make so you can instill good muscle memory into your aim. We'll get a proper training area soon, I'm sure of it.
However, insulting people who love the game and practice to become good is ridiculous. What, are they supposed to not want to win? That makes no sense. There is nothing as fulfilling as playing at a high-level of play, tearing through the map like a goddang cyclone. It isn't their fault that there isn't a system in place to keep tiers of players generally in the same games. You're getting upset with the wrong people, people who love the game just as you do (I think you love it, or at least the concept of it for the time being). Of course we sweat, of course we try. What's the point of playing the game if you aren't going to PLAY the game? I see so many targets on the battlefield waddling around or loot goblins standing stationary at deathboxes. Yeah, I'm going to quickly dispatch you because you underestimated me. I can be anywhere on the battlefield and you're acting like I'm not a threat?
You better watch out, you better practice your aim, I'm always watching you and I'm aiming for your head.
Also, just give Respawn some time. I'm sure matchmaking will see some changes as well as the ranking/leveling system, etc. Don't be so quick to complain about things that bother you, it just makes people not want to take you seriously. Instead, write detailed feedback that objectively states issues you have with the game. It'll help the game progress. We don't need yet another game full of toxic crybabies.
- 6 years ago
Late as heck, I know, but I get the point he's trying to make. I had a friend start the game recently so they could jump into s3 with me, and I've watched some of their matches. it's crazy how unbalanced the matchmaking is. I watched my friend get stomped by a wraith playing at my skill level. I'm well beyond lvl 100 and he's only at 12. Maybe it's smurfs, but either way, it's a good way to discourage new players.
- 6 years ago
STFU, OP wasn't complaining about things that bother him and did explain the problems with the game. Matchmaking is borked and you shouldn't be able to steamroll the map no matter how goddamn good you are. You should always be put up against comparatively skilled people.
- 5 years ago
i Agree it isn’t fair for people in ranked either i’ll be playing as platinum and there would be apex predators. It ruins the whole point of ranked. Not only is it bad for people trying to get used to the game but it’s bad for high tier people who need a good team but have level 19 people
- 5 years ago
You make it sound like playing the game is equal to a life or death situation! It's just a game and the "tryhards" do take away some of the fun. Now you can either like the game (and not have to deal with those sweatie players) or you can love the game (BE A TOTAL SPASS AND TOSS YOUR LIFE AWAY FOR A GAME). Those that love the game base their whole lives around it and become content creators on YouTube. They spend the better half of their lives behind a mouse and keyboard (console players excluded) to make a decent buck. So now we (average gamers) come along and expect to win a game? Shame on us, trying to take away their bread and butter. It's a battlefields out there boys and the "pro" players take that very seriously. So just play the game, rage, curse, yell and well yeah.... die to the people who think playing apex is equal to being in world War 3!!!
- 5 years ago@arrcher1 A lot late, but you know, not every one who tries hard actually succeeds. Those who do, they deserve their skills. I prefer a lot fighting against skilled people than playing games with similarly aim-defective players like me, I would feel like so bored and not to be praised for landing kills against people as bad as me. I have a KDR of 0 as I played a hundred games, being killed more than once with players who sometimes (greets to them) took the burden of carrying me litteraly (while I should not have been getting points for these) though ring advances or respawn me in highly dangerous and close area in later turns, while not being able to aim properly (I have a 10FPS capped machine, but still want the fun, and anyway I am not that great cause I'm old and not skilled in the first place). But I could manage to kill a 3 players in a row once, with a Mozambique too. And that was incredibly rewarding to do so, because they wipped the rest of my squad (that I would have respawned, would they have not quit the game). Maybe it is hard to play against some try hards, and most of them are better than me. But most of us just try hard for the sake of getting that level in the pass, not even for the gift boxes and so on, but because hell, "I just want to make these daily 500 damage" (and for me, it's a challenge, yes).
Like you, I am busy, but in the few times I can get to play, I want to try hard. If you want really casual play, you can, but in some way, we all get the level that we deserve. Playing starcraft back in the day was the same.
And ranked might already be a solution to such problem, too.
- 4 years ago
what your saying is proof that games are ruined now. you're saying you have to train hard for this to start to be fun? bro - it's a free to play multiplayer shooter. you shouldn't need to leave you job to train to be merely competent.
i'm sure it's fun after you've invested 200+ hours of play time and 100+ hours of youtube tutorials, but who has time for that? i guess you...
- 4 years ago
You can try joining a discord group.
Good ones tend to have people who help newer/weaker players.
One of the groups I am in, the owner asked me to train his team to get a little better, no money involved, just he wants to get better, and I help them, and hell I am not even that good.
or if you don't mind paying for coaching, you can hire one if you'd like at the pred level.....but me I would never do that for a game I enjoy playing...I like to learn on my own.
But there is a learning curve for most competitive games nowadays you need to accept this.
- 4 years ago
This game is so * hard and frustrating. Legit was playing consistently from season 4 till now and I’m still pretty meh at the game. I honestly don’t understand how ppl “git gud” in this game. It has such an steep * learning curve for new players and casuals.
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