Vantage ult can hit players behind cover
In case you don't feel like reading the whole post, check out this clip which provides a clear view of the issue:
Hi folks,
I'm writing because I have been noticing some issues with Vantage's ultimate. It is able to consistently hit players behind cover. The problem is that the bullet it fires has a huge hitbox which applies only to players. When it comes to striking cover, the bullet actually has a very small hitbox. This means the bullet can fly past a piece of cover that a player is hiding behind, wide enough to miss the cover entirely, with the bullet's hitbox still hitting the player. Because of this, even if you have your character's entire hitbox behind cover, where no other gun can hit you, Vantage's ult can still tag you. This problem is worse at longer ranges, where the projectile hitbox grows larger. This mechanic breaks sniper fights, because Vantage can hit you even if you execute a perfect peek shot.
Vantage projectile size only applies to hitting players
As some of you may know, Vantage's sniper rifle has bullets that are much larger than any other sniper in the game. These bullets are approximately the size of basketballs:
I can understand that Vantage may need this extra bullet size in order to make her competitive as a legend. However, there is a problem: this extra bullet size only applies to hitting players, not cover.
If the bullet is going to have a hit reg zone the size of a basketball, it should never be able to pass through a narrow gap such as a railing. In the following clip, I'll show how this looks in practice. If the projectile is big enough for the first shot to hit, the second shot should not be able to pass through the narrow railing gap. It is able to do so because the projectile's massive hitbox applies to striking enemies but not cover. As I will show in the next section, this behavior has problematic implications.
Vantage can hit players that are fully covered
Because Vantage's bullets have increased size when it comes to hitting players, but not cover, it's possible to damage players who are fully behind cover using her rifle. This is incredibly unfair in sniper fights.
Clip with longbow for comparison - note that the target is fully behind cover and can't be hit with a normal weapon.
Because of this, Vantage's sniper is difficult to peek against. Even if you completely return to cover before Vantage fires their shot, they are likely to tag you behind cover due to this mechanic. In my opinion, this should not be possible. If the bullet is big enough to catch a target that is completely behind cover, then because of the bullet's size size it should first make contact with the cover and bounce off.
Why is it that a basketball sized projectile can pass through a tiny gap? Bullets are small. They should be able to pass through tight gaps, and as a tradeoff their smaller size makes shots more difficult to land. Basketball sized projectiles may make it easier to land shots, but by their nature they should never be able to sneak through a narrow gap. Somehow, Vantage's ult is currently enjoying the best of both worlds, with bullets that can sneak through a hair-size gap, but also impact a player that they missed by a foot or more. This means a bullet can fly past the cover that a player is hiding behind, with the hitbox of the bullet actually touching the player - despite the fact that they are completely behind cover. This is allowing for some pretty unfair shots during sniper vs sniper fights, where Vantage already has the benefit of not needing to calculate bullet drop.
In my view, Vantage's ult should not be able to hit any player who is completely behind cover. In today's game it's a regular occurrence. At long ranges, Vantage's bullet grows so large that it can easily hit a target that is fully behind cover and unreachable by any other gun.
This makes it overly difficult to countersnipe against Vantage without being hit, because they can hit you even after you've crouched behind cover. See example below.
In summary: Vantage can hit targets that are completely protected by cover. This seems unfair and I hope it is changed. It's not a good feeling when you execute a clean peek shot, but get tagged anyway due to this unfair mechanic.