I just want to highlight for you the incompetence of your staff with what I think is a really demonstrative example:
1. My Apex account got banned for cheating a couple of months ago. I have not played Apex since around the time it came out. I don't know if this means that my account was compromised, but I have since changed my password so it's fine.
2. I submitted a form highlighting this issue for you, mostly to have it on record that my account may have been compromised. Again, I don't play Apex, so I don't actually care if my account is suspended. I did, however, ask that the account be unsuspended just in case it interferes with other games which use my EA account (mostly the Arkham games).
3. Today, I got an email saying that the correct action was taken on my account and that it would remain suspended. Now, here's the thing: if my account was compromised (which, by the way, I have no proof of besides taking your word for it), and whoever was playing on it was hacking, how the hell am I supposed to prove that it wasn't me? Are you not aware that people's accounts can be compromised? Are you not involved in the world of online gaming? And in addition to that, aren't you guys supposed to have data that you can cross reference to prove that it was or wasn't me who was cheating? IP address? Motherboard IMEI or something? Aren't you guys the ones with hundreds of millions of dollars and all of the latest and greatest tech at your fingertips?
Like I said, I don't even play this game, but I did the responsible thing by submitting a ticket. Your response was so aggressively stupid, however, that it provoked this post from me. At the end of the day it's no skin off my *, but I feel bad for people who are invested in this game whose accounts you blunder the way you blundered mine.