Forum Discussion
Regardless of the current matchmaking design, how boring or hard it is etc, what all of you guys forget is that the matchmaking is the same for everyone. So if you cant get out of gold, platinum or whatever rank you are stuck at, remember that MANY other players, playing in the exact same matchmaking as you, manage to get out of that rank. So you cant blame the matchmaking. The harsh truth is that IF you are stuck at a current rank, that just means that that rank is your peak rank based on your current skills in the current matchmaking.
I see too much blaming with little to none objectivity and self criticism on this forum so no wonder Respawn doesnt care whats being said here. Nothing against people voicing their opinion about the matchmaking but to just blame it for not being able to reach a certain rank is just ridiculous. The most pathetic thing that I see here from time to time is when people actually claim that the matchmaking is rigged specifically against them as an individual player haha
@NerfMyAimPlz"you guys forget is that the matchmaking is the same for everyone. ".
And i beg to differ.
Friend (roughly the same skill) queues at the same time as me , gets > 200kill mates, i queue < 100 kill mates ... 20 times in a row.
Dont tell me the matchmaking is the same for everyone , it has a reason why i say its rigged, thats not out of thin air !
The main difference between my friend an me is : i invested like 50 Bucks on apex, he maybe 500+ , maybe thats the "other variables" that count into the MM
And for me its not about some rank being "hardstuck" whatever , its about having a good game (i play pubs most of the time) . I dont like to babysit beginners constantly,
- 3 years ago
Well, you are correct that there are variables that make the matchmaking not totally random for players of the exact same rank which it should be IMO. In Respawns blog post about SBMM, they admitted that each players hidden elo affects the matchmaking even in ranked, which is ridiculous. They explicitly confirmed that if you are having good games, i.e you are over-performing at your current rank, you will be matched against higher elo players which usually means players who currently is a higher rank than yours. And likewise, if you are underperforming, you might be matched with players below your current rank etc etc. (So this is the reason why you sometimes see a "diamond" in gold lobbies. That diamond probably had multiple bad games with -60 RP and therefore dropped in ELO to average Gold)
BUT my point is that these rules are the same for everyone. You are not singled out in a ranked matchmaking specifically tailored to put YOU, one player among millions, in an disadvantage compared to all other players. Thats my point. We all play under the same rules. So if you cant reach, lets say Diamond4, then its not the system that is rigged because many other players manage to reach diamond 4 under the exact same matchmaking as you.
The only systematic unfairness that I can think of is that they sometimes match 3-man stacks vs squads of 1 solo + 1 premade duo. But in all honestly, I think the matchmaking is actually try to avoid this too. I rarely see obvious full 3-man stacks when I play solo and I can definitely see a difference in enemy teams coordination and teamwork when I play as a 3-man premade compared to when I solo Q
- r1ggedgame3 years agoSeasoned Ace@NerfMyAimPlz where in this thread did i ever mention rank ?! I mostly play pubs ... and when i get dealt a lot of beginner players in a row, i kinda feel cheated out of having fun.
- 3 years ago
Well it was you who answered my first post which clearly was about ranked mm. I just skimmed the previous posts but it seems to me that most people talk about ranked in this thread. Maybe clarify in the title that you only want to discuss pubs?Dont know about the MM in pubs but it seems to me that good players will have average good games and bad players will on average have bad games i.e very little SBMM and mostly randoms or based on premade or solo-status. Still doesnt feel "rigged", just a bit unfriendly and harsh I guess.
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