Can someone explain sbmm to me? This doesn’t add up
So today I learned that sbmm has indeed been in since the beginning of the game, but the first iteration was everyone else together and then new players were sectioned off, and then at the end of season 2 they changed pubs to be matched like comp, but here’s where my problem arises...
why as a newer player am I playing with preds and masters in every pub lobby, and every comp lobby if there’s sbmm? Note: this isn’t my main.
am I being grouped by level? Cause that is a crap way to matchmake. I don’t understand why literally every game in pubs I am playing vs seasoned players when I am nowhere near them. If we don’t have the player base to support even comp games with plats being forced against predators then why do we have sbmm even outside of ranked?
like aceu said, why do we need sbmm in a game with a dedicated rank list, that plays exactly like the ranked playlist, all of the bronze people have bot lobbies and everyone else plays vs predator , make sense to anyone ?
There is a fairly widely experienced issue where it seems that the better you are as a player, the lower the skill of your teammates.
According to what a multitude of players have been testing with smurf accounts, it seems that the entire focus of SBMM is not to create lobbies where all enemies and also your teammates are of comparable skill, but instead try to make it so that each squad, and their members are of what Respawn deems to be roughly comparable skill.
In other words, 1 very good player is typically matched with 2 blazing dumpsters in order to have an averaged out skill level equal to a squad of 3 mediocre players.
What this leads to is obvious. Very frustrated players.