Forum Discussion
@bosourdIt's not that easy to determine who's using soft aimbot and who isn't. The idea of it is to be undetectable, so it doesn't make sense to turn it on/off all the time. I doubt those who use this type of cheat want to display obvious discrepancies to potential spectators.
It happened to me to laser someone and completely miss the next target. Many factors can cause this, like different movement, different ping, glitches caused by performance issues, input lag, etc..The worst is when I track a moving target and it glitches right when I lock it, jumping forward a little, usually. In these cases I end up undershooting half the mag, then overshooting the rest as I try to quickly readjust while also fighting recoil.
Many times after something like the above occurs, I get "noob" toxicity from teammates, who don't actually see my own view. This is very important fact to consider, as almost everyone believes that the spectate mode is a video stream. The spectating mode is a simulation built on the spectator's device, with player data coming from the server, if I have like 250ms ping to the server, a player that has 20ms and spectates me might probably see things very differently. All this without factoring other stuff like the different displays (resolution, ratios) and the sound issues (for example, you can hear footsteps, pings or voiceovers while spectating someone who doesn't actually hear those on his device).
@DoYaSeeMe True, but when you're spectating somebody and they're moving like a potato, eating stupid amounts of damage yet have perfect weapon control it is a little sus lol.
Obviously it's not a clear indicator but it's naturally gonna raise an eyebrow.
- 4 years ago@MandatoryIDtag I wish some content creators would do an experiment with the spectate mode versus actual view, for all ping types and trying different play styles. Thing is, drama sells better...
- 4 years ago
@DoYaSeeMe Ah there's undoubtedly discrepancies between real-time play and what we're seeing via spectate, so the line does get blurred sometimes.
We've been playing long enough at this point to spot the difference though I should think, at least for the most part anyway.
- 4 years ago@MandatoryIDtag Well, all these differences we spot are based on the server reality. This means 20Hz update rates, the rest being interpolation (movement of the player is pretty smoothed out), lag compensation being applied (projectiles going near targets but still hitting them), player delay being factored in, etc.. Just think about the fact that probably no player does get shot behind cover in spectator mode.
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