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E9ine_AC's avatar
4 years ago

New Players Guide To Understanding Apex

The season 21 Legends update has been made. 

Current Season 21 Map Rotations:

  • Kings Canyon
  • Broken Moon
  • World’s Edge

This guide will be pieces of other guides and information on the game slammed into 1 post. The post is made during season 8 and is subject to change in the future if changes to legends or weapons are made. Helpful tips and such for each Legend will be updated and posted here in the future. 

Armor: Armor and Gear are enormously important in Apex Legends. There are four types of gear that you can find in a match:

  • Evo Shields: provide extra shield HP for your character;
  • Helmets: reduce incoming headshot damage;
  • Knockdown Shields: protect you if you're knocked;
  • Backpacks: increase your inventory size.

Gold Gear: The Gold Body Shield differs from regular Evo Shields because it doesn't evolve. However, when equipped, it increases the healing amount of syringes and shield cells from 25 to 50.

  • Gold Body Shield: doesn't evolve like ordinary Evo Shields, but syringes and shield cells heal 50 instead of 25 while equipped.
  • Gold Helmet: Reduces Tactical and Ultimate recharge time by 20%.
  • Gold Knockdown Shield: With the Gold Knockdown Shield, you gain the ability to revive teammates with 50% health and shields.
  • Gold Backpack: The Gold Backpack enables you to carry an additional Med Kit, Shield Battery, and Phoenix.
  • Golden Magazine: If you attach a Golden Magazine to a weapon and switch to your second or primary weapon, it will automatically reload the first one after 5.5 seconds of not being used.
  • Golden Shotgun Bolt: Enables quicker fire rates as well as reloading 1 bullet every 5 seconds. 

Evo Shields evolving numbers doing damage upgrades your armor:

  • "Level 0": 0 Shield HP. 100 Damage to upgrade.
  • Common (white): 50 Shield HP. 200 Damage to upgrade.
  • Rare (blue): 75 Shield HP. 300 Damage to upgrade.
  • Epic (purple): 100 Shield HP. 750 Damage to upgrade.
  • Heirloom (red): 125 Shield HP. Can't evolve.

Helmets:  In Apex Legends, helmets are protective gear worn on the head that reduces the damage caused by headshots.

  • Common (white): -20% headshot damage taken.
  • Rare (blue): -40% headshot damage taken.
  • Epic (purple): -50% headshot damage taken.
  • Heirloom (Gold): -60% headshot damage taken as well as reducing cooldown timers of the player's abilities. 

Knockdown shields are used to help reduce quick thirst or provide cover for your teammates. 

  • Common (white): 200 HP barrier.
  • Rare (blue): 450 HP barrier.
  • Epic (purple): 750 HP barrier.
  • Heirloom (gold): Guardian Angel when you are hit with a res it spawns you half health and half shielded. 

Backpacks are used to store heals and ammo. 

  • Common (white): +2 slots (12 total).
  • Rare (blue): +4 slots (14 total).
  • Epic (purple): +6 slots (16 total).
  • Heirloom (gold): +6 slots (19 total if you are to stack the heals it allows 16 regular slots without those items stacked)
  • New Perk: Deep Pockets.
  • Deep Pockets: Large medical supplies stacks higher in your inventory. Batteries and Medkits now stack to 3 in inventory. Phoenix Kits now stack to 2 in inventory.


Weapon Hop-ups

Anvil Receiver: Increases semi-auto damage, but the single fire uses 2 ammo per shot and the rate of fire is reduced.

Boosted Loader: Reloading while near empty will speed up reloading and overload the next magazine.

Deadeye's Tempo: Firing at the perfect moment increases fire rate.

Disruptor Rounds: Increases damage to shielded targets.

Double Tap Trigger: Grants an alternative burst fire mode, firing two rounds per trigger pull.

Dual Shell: Allows compatible weapons to reload 2 rounds at a time.

Hammerpoint Rounds: Increases unshielded damage.

Kinetic Feeder: Automatically loads rounds and reduces choke time while sliding.

Precision Choke: Greatly reduces the gun's spread by aiming down sights, up to three levels.

Quickdraw Holster: Reduces the weapon's swap time, ADS time, and hip-fire spread.

Selectfire Receiver: Grants an alternative fire mode for compatible weapons.

Shatter Caps: Rounds split into a blast pattern when hip firing.

Skullpiercer: Increases the weapon's headshot multiplier.

Turbocharger: Reduces autofire spin-up time for compatible weapons.


Game Modes

Game Mode Battle Royal: First brings us to Battle Royal where you are paired with 2 other teammates to take on a lobby of 20 teams. Just as you would think you must be the last to survive in order to win the match. Each team member has the chance once killed to be respawned at respawn beacons. There are timers on these boxes so be sure to get the banner as quickly as possible. The res timer is unlimited meaning you may rotate to other res beacons if others around you are occupied by enemy teams or to risky to res. 

Games Modes Mixtape: 

Team Deathmatch: Team verse team every body for themselves.

Gun Run: Face off to see who can cycle through the guns the quickest. Each kill changes to a new weapon. Be aware if you are hit with a melee attack you are bumped back down a gun.

Control: Hold 3 different locations to win the match. Who ever holds the locations the longest will be victorious. 

Straight Shot—check out the collection event blog for more details

  • Players spawn above a random POI and skydive in, no Jumpmaster
  • Weapons spawn kitted at different rarities, streamlining loot
  • Reduced Lobby to 30 players and shorter rounds
  • Requeue with your party directly from the death screen


Game Mode Ranked: It is pretty much the same layout as Battle Royal just this time you play a little smarter to earn points to climb the ranks. 

  • Required Level = 20
  • Entry Cost = 20
  • Challenger Bonus: earn a 50% bonus on a elimination of a higher-ranked player that was contributed to
  • Top 5 Streak Bonus: for maintaining a placement streak of 5th or better, earn up to a maximum of a 40 RP bonus
    • 2 match streak: +10 RP
    • 3 match streak: +20 RP
    • 4 match streak: +30 RP
    • 5+ match streak: +40 RP

Game Mode Solo: Use your Battle Sense to detect nearby enemies, tear things up with pre-kitted weapons and attachments, and keep the fight going with auto heal and Second Chance mechanics.


Global Feature:

  • Players now respawn with the shields and weapons that they had when they were eliminated
    • Body shield and helmet level are preserved
    • Knockdown shield is reset to white
    • Backpacks are removed
    • Inventory will contain some ammo for their weapons, two syringes, and two shield cells
    • Weapons are maintained, unless that weapon was a care package weapon, and all weapon attachments are removed, including from kitted weapons
  • Replicator, Ring Console, and Survey Beacon spawn rates have returned to being even across all POIs


Closing Ring: Once you land the lobby is given a timer where the ring will close each round once that timer counts down the ring will begin to close. (There is no way to prolong this timer its dynamic across the lobby). You will need to be inside each ring by the time it closes or you will begin to take damage. The damage is dependent on which ring closer it is. So be sure to stay ahead of the ring to catch others coming through or out of the ring overall focusing on where you should rotate based on the ring closer.

  • Players spending too much time outside the Ring will be warned, then eliminated


Care Packages: Once the game has begun and everyone is on the ground you will see packages dropping from the sky. Each season what weapons are inside that package rotates. What comes in these packages is completely randomized out of the pool of loot allowed to be on them. 


Crafting System

Replicators are stations that can turn materials into loot. It is instantly crafted, each player is only allowed to craft 1 item per replicator and there is a total of 12 across the entire map so use it wisely. 

Current Craftable items: Shield Battery, Medkit, Ammo, and Player Banners


Team Crafting: You may craft items and at times there were issues where a teammate would run up and snatch your loot off something you just crafted. So to fix this issue each item crafted by you has 15 seconds to be looted by you or it opens it up to anyone being able to loot it. If you are crafting for a team member you may ping the item to instantly allow them to pull the item you have crafted.


Assault Rifle Weapons and Damage numbers shown are done in this order. 

Damage is given in the form of Body DMG/Head DMG/Leg DMG in the below tables, and in the Reload column, you'll see speeds for both non-empty and empty reloads.

Name Ammo - Damage - DPS - RPM - Mag Size - Reload

30-30 Repeater Heavy 42-57/74-100/32-43 98 140 6/8/10/12 0.6s per bullet
G7-Scout Light 34/60/26 136 240 10/15/18/20 2.4s/3.0s
Havoc Energy 18/36/14 198 672 24/28/32/36 3.2s/3.2s
Hemlok Heavy 20/35/15 214 643 18/24/27/30 2.4s/2.85s
R-301 Light 14/28/11 190 816 18/20/25/28 2.4s/3.2s
Flatline Heavy 19/38/14 190 600 20/25/26/30 2.4s/3.1s
Nemises Energy 68/108/52 180-196 280 20/24/28/32 2.4/3.1s

SMG Weapons and Damage.

Altenator Light 16/24/13 160 600 19/22/25/27 1.9s/2.23s
Prowler Unique 15/23/12 200 800 35 2.0s/2.6s
R-99 Light 11/17/9 198 1,080 17/20/23/26 1.8s/2.45s
Volt Energy 15/23/12 180 720 19/21/23/28 1.6s/2.25s
Car Heavy/Light 13/20/10 202 930 20/22/24/27 1.7s/2.13s

LMGs Weapons and damage.

Devotion Energy 16/32/14 240 900 36/40/44/48 2.8s/3.63s
L-star Energy 18/36/14 180 600 ~23 1.15s/2.45s
Spitfire Light 19/38/14 171 540 35/40/45/55


Rampage Heavy 28/42/24 300 748 28 / 32 / 34 / 40  3.1/3.3

Sniper Weapons and Damage.

Charge Rifle Sniper 45/56/45 (+45) 23 (+23) 30 8 3.6s/3.6s
Kraber Unique 145/435/116 87 36 4 3.2s/4.3s
Longbow Sniper 55/110/44 64 86 6/8/10/12 2.66s/3.66s
sentinel Sniper 70/140/63 40 37.5 4/5/6/7 2.5s/3.6s
Triple Take Sniper 69/138/63 83 72 6/7/8/9 2.6s/3.4s

Shotguns Weapons and Damage.

Eva-8 Shotgun 63/99/63 132 126 8 2.75s/3.0s
Peacekeeper Unique 110/143/88 110 58 5 2.5s/3.5s
Mastif Shotgun 88/112/88 96.8 66 6 1.03s/1.7s
Mozambique Shotgun 45/69/42 135 180 4 2.1s/2.6s

Pistol Weapons and Damage.

P2020 Light 15/23/14 108 430 12/14/16/18 1.25s/1.25s
Re-45 Light 12/18/11 150 750 16/19/22/25 1.5s/1.95s
Wingman Sniper 45/90/41 117 156 6/7/8/9 2.1s/2.1s

Common questions on weapons. 

  • Are any of the guns hitscan? - Havoc and Charge Rifle weapons fire hitscan beams. All other weapons in the game fire projectiles that have travel time, meaning that the player must aim and lead their shots in order to hit moving targets.
  • Is there bullet drop in apex? Yes. The amount of drop is based on the bullet speed of each weapon.
  • Is there a damage drop-off? - Havoc and Charge Rifle weapons fire hitscan beams. However, each weapon has a different maximum headshot range, beyond which a headshot will no longer deal additional bonus damage.
  • Does each gun have a predictable spray pattern? - Yes. Spend time learning the spray patterns of each gun in the Firing Range, it'll seriously help you in fights.
  • Is there aim drift? - Yes. aim moves from the intended target after aiming down the sights of a weapon. Equipping Stock attachments can minimize aim drift, and better attachments provide greater stability to the weapon, reducing aim drift to a greater extent.
  • Do different guns affect movement speed? - Yes, but only while ADSing. Without ADSing your gun has no bearing on your run speed. But when ADSing, your movement will be reduced based on the class of gun you're holding.
  • Does taking damage slow you down? - Yes. Taking damage from any weapon (not just a Heavy Rounds weapon, which many players seem to believe is the case) will cause a brief slowdown. But Legends with the "Fortified" Passive (Gibraltar and Caustic) are immune to this slowdown.


Apex Legends Champions and Abilities:
There are classes of legends to define what they can offer inside the game. These classes will be broken down with what they do and who falls into those categories.

Assault Class: Assault legends have a special Class Perk that allows them to hold more ammo per inventory slot. Assault legends can also upgrade loot via a Smart Loot system located in hidden compartments located within new Weapon Supply Bins. Weapon Supply Bins work just like the ones in the IMC Armories on Storm Point--they only contain attachments that are compatible with a player's current loadout.
Mad Maggie


Recon: Recon legends can use Survey Beacons to see enemy placement around them, similar to the radar scanner located in Crypto's Map Room, a Town Takeover located in Kings Canyon. This was depicted in the Season 16 launch trailer, which showed Vantage making use of the new ability.

"Recon Legends have a pretty big paradigm shift this season, and will no longer have access to ring data," McGuire explained. Instead, they now scan a modified survey beacon to reveal enemy positions on a map for about 30 seconds. There's some risk to this though, because nearby enemies will be notified of the beacon scan location, and they can use that to their advantage against you."



Skirmisher: Skirmishers can see the highest-value item inside a Supply Drop at a distance before it even hits the ground. The ability works like an upgraded version of Loba's passive ability, Eye For Quality. Unlike Loba's passive, however, this power only applies to neutral Supply Drops.

Regarding the new Skirmisher perk, McGuire said the information revealed via the perk allows Skirmishers to make calls on looting the powerful weapons commonly found in Supply Drops. "They can set up an ambush to take it back, or know that missing Kraber is soon going to be coming from behind," he explained during the Season 16 preview event.


Support: Support legends can open the hidden compartment located in blue Supply Bins. This compartment now contains only "big" healing items and survival items like Heat Shields, Mobile Respawn Beacons, Med Kits, Phoenix Kits, and Shield Batteries. Additionally, Support legends can use Replicators to craft Banner Cards for downed or dead allies--even those whose respawn timer has already expired. This tweak may seem small, but it will undoubtedly be game-changing in practice. Previously, if the timer on a player's Banner Card hit zero, that player was out of the match, spending the rest of their time as a death box. With the new system, players on the same team as a Support legend can have a second chance of coming back even if their squadmates didn't grab their banner.

((Perks Only Apply to Ranked))
All Legends now get a perk ability system. Where you have 2 different routes you wish to utilize. Choose these perks wisely as they can make or break a fight.


Fuse Abilities: 

  • Passive: Grenadier - Stack an extra grenade per inventory slot. Fire grenades farther, faster, and more accurately.
  • Tactical: Knuckle Cluster - Launch a cluster bomb that continuously expels airburst explosives on impact. You may have 2 total stacked with a cooldown of 20s. 
  • Ultimate: The Motherlode - Launch a bombardment that encircles a target area in a wall of flame.
  • Fuse Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Ring Master Gain access to Ring Consoles.
    Scar Tissue Take 20 damage and ignore slow effects from The Motherlode.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Knuckle Hustler Short speed boost on successful Knuckle Cluster hit.
    Wreckless Take 25% less explosive damage.


  • Passive: Double Time - Taking fire while sprinting makes you move faster for a brief time.
  • Tactical: Smoke Launcher - Fire a high-velocity smoke canister that explodes into a smoke wall on impact.
  • Ultimate: Rolling Thunder's ability allows her to throw a canister a considerable distance away from her. Rockets will rain down in a zig-zag pattern where the canister lands across a large area, spreading out in the direction thrown.
  • Bangalore Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Big Bang See nearby ordnance through walls and on Death Boxes.
    Ultimate Cooldown+ Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Cover Me Auto-Ping enemies who trigger Double Time.
    Refuge Regenerate HP while inside Smoke.


  • Passive: Tracker - Foes leave behind clues for you to find.
  • Tactical: Eye of the Allfather - Briefly reveal enemies, traps, and clues through all structures in front of you. This ability will not grant assists for being scanned and killed. 
  • Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt - Transform into the ultimate hunter. Enhances your senses, allowing you to see cold tracks and move faster. Knockdowns extend the duration.
  • Additional traits: Recon - Scanning Survey Beacons reveals the next circle's location.
  • Bloodhound Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Raven's Blessing White Ravens charge Ultimate by 25% when activated.
    Tactical Cooldown Reduce Tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Long Hunt Knocks extend Beast of the Hunt duration.
    Taste of Blood Gain 50 hp on knocks while Ultimate is active.


  • Passive: Nox Vision - you gain threat vision on enemies moving through your gas.
  • Tactical: Nox Gas Trap - Place up to 6 canisters that release deadly Nox gas when shot or triggered by enemies.
  • Ultimate: Nox Gas Grenade - Blanket a large area in Nox gas.
  • Additional traits: Fortified - Incoming damage reduced by 15% and not slowed by bullets.
  • Caustic Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Parabolic Force Increase Tactical throw range by 75%.
    Particle Diffuser Increase Ultimate area of effect by 50%.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Breathe It In Regenerate HP while enveloped in Nox Gas.
    Residual Toxins Nox Vision persists for longer.


  • Passive: Neurolink - Crypto and his teammates see what his Surveillance Drone detects up to a 30m distance.
  • Tactical: Surveillance Drone - Deploy an aerial camera drone. 40-second cooldown if destroyed. This ability can open crates res teammates and recover banners as well as open care packages. 
  • Ultimate: Drone EMP - Charge up an EMP from your drone. The blast deals 50 shield damage, slows players, and destroys traps.
  • Additional traits: Recon - Scanning Survey Beacons reveals the next circle's location.
  • Crypto Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Network Expansion Passive & Ult range increased by 25%.
    Quick Transmission Improved drone handling.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Hackathon Double drone recharge rate; gain speed boost when it explodes.
    Satellite Imagery Drone scan persists for 1.5 seconds.


  • Passive: Gun Shield - Aiming down sights deploys a gun shield that blocks incoming fire.
  • Tactical: Dome of Protection - Blocks incoming and outgoing attacks.
  • Ultimate: Call in a concentrated mortar strike on a position you mark with smoke.
  • Additional traits: Fortified - Incoming damage reduced by 15%. Not slowed by bullets.
  • Gibraltar Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Fresh Start Allies are revived with 50 HP.
    Shots Shots Shots Auto-Reload shotguns on knocks.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Baby Bubble Reduce Tactical size and cooldown by 25%.
    Bubble Bunker Increase Tactical lifetime by 4 seconds.


  • Passive: Spacewalk - Increase air control and reduce fall impacts with Horizon's custom spacesuit.
  • Tactical: Gravity Lift - Reverses the flow of gravity, lifting players upwards and boosting them outwards when they exit. Air strafe has been reduced with 2 seconds being in the air on top of your lift. 20s cooldown. 
  • Ultimate: Black Hole - deploy NEWT to create a micro black hole that pulls players in towards it.
  • Horizon Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Battery Collection Shield Battery count shown above Death Boxes.
    Big Bang See nearby ordnance through walls and on Death Boxes.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Tactical Cooldown Reduce Tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
    Ultimate Cooldown Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds.


  • Passive: Revive two players at the same time. Can now cancel active revives in progress to allow your teammate to defend themselves with their knockdown shield.
  • Tactical: D.O.C. Heal Drone - 8hp per second. Deployment time before healing begins reduced by roughly 33%.
  • Ultimate: Guarantees an upgrade (if possible) in three categories: Body Shield, Other Equipment (Helmet, Backpack, and Knockdown Shield), and Weapon Attachment, based on your team’s current gear when the Package arrives.
  • Lifeline Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Rapid Response Increase Revive speed by 20%.
    Tactical Cooldown+ Reduce Tactical cooldown by 10 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Gift Wrapped Next Lifeline Care Package is a Supply Drop.
    Last Stand Gain a Self-Revive.


  • Passive: Eye for Quality - Nearby epic and legendary loot can be seen through walls. The range is the same as Black Market Boutique.
  • Tactical: Burglar's Best Friend - Teleport to hard-to-* trouble quickly by throwing your jump drive bracelet. Slide at full speed while aiming the bracelet and while the bracelet is in the air. Loba will no longer be slowed after translocating.
  • Ultimate: Black Market Boutique - Place a portable device that allows you to teleport nearby loot to your inventory. Each friendly or enemy Legend can take up to two items. 120s cool down.
  • Loba Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    High Value Increase Tactical height and range.
    Market Expansion Increase Ultimate range by 25%.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Shopping Spree Loba can take an extra item from Black Markets.
    Tactical Cooldown Reduce Tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.


  • Passive: Now You See Me... - Automatically cloak when using Respawn Beacons and reviving teammates
  • .
  • Tactical: Psyche Out - Send out a holographic decoy to confuse the enemy. You can control the decoy.
  • Ultimate: Life of the Party - Mirage deploys a team of controllable decoys to distract enemies.
  • Mirage Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Miracle Worker Allies are revived with health regen up to 75 HP.
    More Me Gain an Ultimate Decoy; reduce cooldown by 30 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Bamboozle Bonus Refresh Tactical on successful Bamboozles.
    Me Two Gain a Decoy charge (can have both active at once).


  • Passive: Swift Mend - While not taking damage, Octane restores health over time. 20 hp cost with 1-second cool down. 
  • Tactical: Stim - Increase walk speed by 30% and sprint speed by 40% for 6 seconds. Costs Health to use. Reduction to slows while active.
  • Ultimate: Launch Pad - Deployable jump pad that catapults users through the air. Users can press jump in midair to double jump.
  • Octane Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Mad Hops Gain an extra Launch Pad charge.
    Thick Skin Take 5 less Stim damage.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Airborne Agility Change directions with the Launch Pad double-jump.
    Thick Skin Take 5 less Stim damage.


  • Passive: Insider Knowledge - Scan a survey beacon to reduce the cooldown of the Zipline Gun.
  • Tactical: Grappling Hook - Grapple to get to out-of-reach places quickly.
  • Ultimate: Zipline Gun - Creates a zipline for everyone to use.
  • Additional traits: Recon - Scanning Survey Beacons reveals the next circle's location.
  • Pathfinder Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Field Research Gain access to Survey Beacons.
    Ringmaster Gain access to Ring Consoles.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Down and Away Grapple cooldown reset on knock.
    Zipline Zen Take 25% less damage while riding energized Ziplines.


  • Passive: Modded Loader - Increased magazine capacity and faster reloads when using LMGs and the Minigun.
  • Tactical: Amped Cover - Build a crouch-cover wall, which deploys a full-cover amped wall that blocks incoming shots and amps outgoing shots (Max: 5).
  • Ultimate: Emplaced Minigun "Sheila" - Place a mounted machine gun that anyone can use. High ammo capacity, long reload time (Max: 3).
  • Rampart Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Bandolier Carry extra ammo per stack.
    Ultimate Cooldown Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Amped Reloads Reload faster with Sheila or when behind Amped Cover.
    Ramped Up Improved Mobile Sheila handling and spin up time by 20%.


  • Passive: Assassin's Instinct - Highlight nearby visible enemies who are low on health. You crouch walk faster and have improved wall climbing.
  • Tactical: Shadow Pounce - Unleash a powerful pounce forwards. Hold to charge for farther distances.
  • Ultimate: Forged Shadows - Forge a shroud of hardened shadows around you that blocks direct damage and regenerates after breaking. Your shadows and tactical are refreshed on knockdowns.
  • Revenant Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Murder Machine Call out the number of squads within 150 meters after a squad wipe.
    Tactical Cooldown Reduce Tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Agile Assassin Total Shadow Pounce charge time reduced by 20%.
    Grim Leaper Shadow Pounce cooldown reset on knock.


  • Passive: Spark of Genius - Ultimate Accelerants fully charge Wattson's ultimate. Wattson can carry more Ultimate Accelerants. Wattson also regenerates 1 Shield HP per second outside of combat.
  • Tactical: Perimeter Security - Create electrified fences by connecting nodes. Fences damage and slow enemies.
  • Ultimate: Interception Pylon - Place an electrified pylon that destroys incoming ordnance and repairs damaged shields. Standing near Pylons boosts Wattson's tactical recharge rate (Max: 3).
  • Wattson Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Falling Stars

    Pylon interceptions spawn Arc Stars at its base.

    • Enemy attacks only.
    • 1.5s cooldown between spawns.
    • Arc Stars must be picked up before more than five can be spawned.
    Fresh Start Allies are revived with 50 HP.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Power Pylon Double Ultimate's HP and Shield Regen capacity.
    Split Circuit Place up to 2 Pylons with half the shield regen capacity and use Ultimate Accelerants twice as fast.


  • Passive: Voices from the Void - You hear a voice when danger approaches. As far as you can tell, it's on your side.
  • Tactical: Into the Void - Reposition quickly through the safety of the 'void' space, avoiding all damage.
  • Ultimate: Dimensional Rift - Link 2 locations with portals for 60 seconds.
  • Wraith Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Sixth Sense Passive warns when nearby squad count increases.
    Tactical Cooldown Reduce Tactical cooldown by 5 seconds.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Fast Phase Reduce Tactical wind-up by 20%.
    Ultimate Cooldown+ Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds.


  • Passive: VTOL Jets  – Press SPACE while in the air to engage the jetpack. You can switch between hold and toggle modes in the options menu.
  • Tactical: Missile Swarm - Fire a swarm of 12 mini-rockets in a rectangular grid, which damage and disorient the enemy.
  • Ultimate: Skyward Dive - Press once to prepare for launch. Teammates can interact with Valkyrie to join the launch. Press again to launch into the air and skydive.
  • Valkyrie Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Aerial Expert Increased horizontal Jetpack speed and acceleration.
    Afterburners Launch 15% higher with Skyward Dive.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Full Coverage Widen Missile Swarm pattern from 4x3 to 3x5.
    Full Tank Increase Jetpack fuel by 25%.


  • Passive: Heart Seeker detects enemies within a 75-meter radius of Seer. For context, that's about the max distance between two Wraith portals.
  • Tactical: A circle will be displayed around the crosshair while aiming down sights, the color of the circle will differ depending on the distance and direction of an enemy within a 55-degree cone: When an enemy is within 75 m, an orange arrow will be displayed around the circle indicating their direction.
  • Ultimate: The exhibit creates a dome of micro-drones that reveal the location of enemies that run or fire inside the area. Seer's ultimate ability can be thrown from a distance, allowing you to keep your distance and track opposing teams without having to confront anyone.
  • Seer Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Long View Increase Passive and Tactical range to 75m.
    Racing Hearts Faster movement using Passive.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Artist's Reach Increase the throw range of Ultimate by 20 meters.
    Focus Scan Increase Tactical scan duration by 1.5 seconds.



  • PassiveWhen an enemy dies, Ash will be able to see the location of their death box on the map, allowing her to identify where enemies are likely to go next; once she reaches a death box, she can her data knife on them to find where the attackers are at that moment.
  • Tactical: Inspired by her old Ronin Titan, Ash will throw a spinning snare that damages and tethers the first enemy who gets too close for a short duration of time. If the Arc Tether hits a surface like the ground or a door, it will stay alive as a “trap” for a few seconds.
  • Ultimate: Ash uses her sword to tear open a one-way portal toward a targeted location. Once the portal is open, Ash immediately begins traveling through it, though allies (and enemies) have some time to follow her through.
  • Ash Perks:
Level 2 Upgrade Options
Murder Machine Call out the number of squads within 150 meters after a squad wipe.
One Minute to Live Using Passive tracks enemy position on map for 60 seconds.
Level 3 Upgrade Options
Greedy Snare Arc Snare remains in play for 24 seconds and can catch multiple enemies.
Twin Snares Gain an Arc Snare charge.

Mad Maggie

  • PassiveTemporarily highlight enemies you’ve damaged. No movement speed penalty when wielding Shotguns.
  • Tactical: Fire a drill that attaches to an obstacle and burns enemies on the other side.
  • UltimateThrow a ball that releases speed-boosting pads and detonates near enemies.
  • Mad Maggie Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Fire Ball Wrecking Ball catches fire and explodes in thermite.
    Shots Shots Shots Auto-Reload shotguns on knock.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Big Drill Increase depth and width of Tactical by 50%.
    Drillslinger Gain a Riot Drill charge; reduce active duration by 25%.


  • PassiveRETRIEVE THE WOUNDED -- Drag allies as you revive and protect them with your Revive Shield.
  • TacticalMOBILE SHIELD -- Throw a controllable drone that creates a moving energy shield.
  • UltimateCASTLE WALL -- Leap to an ally or target area and slam down, creating a fortified stronghold.
  • Newcastle Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Swift Shield Increase Mobile Shield speed to weapon sprint speed.
    Thick Shield Mobile Shield segments gain 250 HP.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Miracle Worker Allies are revived with health regen up to 75 HP.
    Stronghold +250 Castle Wall HP; extend energized barrier duration to 2 minutes.


  • Passive: Spotter's Lens -- Aim down sights to scout with your eyepiece (unarmed or with mid- to long-range scopes) and use a bullet drop indicator to see where your shots will land. 
  • TacticalEcho Location -- Position your winged companion Echo and then Launch towards him. Must have a line of sight to Echo for Launch.
  • UltimateSniper's Mark -- Use your custom sniper rifle to mark enemy targets which apply a damage bonus for you and your team.
  • Vantage Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Ringmaster Gain access to Ring Consoles.
    Ultimate Reload Ultimate Accelerants grant +2 bullets.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Bat Bounce Improved Tactical's double-jump.
    Sharpshooter Refresh Tactical on hits with Ultimate.


  • PassiveBarricade -- Reinforce doors, strengthening them and locking them to enemies' spaces where doors have been destroyed can also be reinforced. 
  • Tactical: Piercing Spikes -- Throw out a patch of Ferrofluid which turns into spikes when enemies are near. The catalyst remains immune to enemy spikes.
  • Ultimate: Dark Veil -- Raise a permeable wall of Ferrofluid. Enemies who walk through it will be slowed and partially blinded for a brief time..
  • Catalyst Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Long Veil Increase Ultimate length by 15m.
    Sister Spikes Increase max number of active Spikes by one.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Ferro-Door Fully rebuild and reinforce missing doors with Passive.
    Resilient Veil Increase Ultimate lifetime by 5 seconds.


  • Passive: Whistler -- Shoots a projectile that heats up an enemy's gun as they shoot. Overheating causes damage. Hold the tactical to lock-on.
  • Tactical: Sling -- Store a third weapon in the sling. Access via inventory or Character Utility Action. The sling weapon cannot take attachments. 
  • Ultimate: Tempest -- When activated, nearby teammates get faster reloads, faster unarmed move speed, and infinity ammo. Ballistics sling weapon will be equipped and upgraded to gold. 
  • Ballistic Perks: 
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Lasting Bullet Smart Bullet duration in-world is tripled.
    Sling-Shot Sling weapon levels up with each upgrade selection.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Extra Bullet Gain a Smart Bullet charge.
    Lasting Bullet Smart Bullet duration is tripled.


  • PassiveBarricade -- Gain a burst of speed when running toward a teammate out of Tactical range.
  • Tactical: Piercing Spikes -- Blast your ally with energy, regenerating temporary shields for them when in danger.
  • Ultimate: Dark Veil -- Deploy an array of shield jamming devices which damage and slow enemies.
  • Conduit Perks:
  • Level 2 Upgrade Options
    Battpack Stack up to 3 batteries per inventory slot.
    Bigger Jam Jammer damage radius increased by 20%.
    Level 3 Upgrade Options
    Bigger Jam Each Ultimate jammer's damage radius increased by 10%.
    Split Charge Gain a Tactical charge but halve shield regen duration.



  • Passive: Gift from the Rift --Can remotely interact with a deathbox to claim one item. Cannot be a shield core.
  • Tactical: Void Passage -- Creates a passageway through a surface.
  • Ultimate: Void Nexus -- Create a regroup point that all allies can remotely interact with to open a phase tunnel back to that location.
  • Alter Perks:
    • Level 2 Upgrade Options
      Ultimate Cooldown Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 30s.
      Void Vision Extend highlights and see health bars after exiting Tactical.
      Level 3 Upgrade Options
      Eternal Nexus Void Nexus no longer times out.
      Tactical Cooldown+ Reduce Tactical cooldown by 10s.

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