4 years ago
Food comparison
So... if you made Mirage’s porkchops you would likely vomit due to the amount of ‘seasoning’ involved. Well that has nothing to do with this thread, but I’ve got apex in this thread so it can’t get...
@GH0STEDbyMECheese be king of cold cuts! Some yummy milk evolutionized product! Heating it up makes it an abomination that needs to be cleansed from the earth.
Now look if it’s properly melted and I can’t taste it, I don’t mind it. At that point it’s just added carbohydrates and fat. But if you can taste it, screw that.
PINEAPPLE BELONGS ON EVERYTHING EXCEPT BREAD! Never had roasted melon. Didn’t even think it existed xD but it sounded epic xD.
I also don’t drink energy drinks as they have no effect on me cause I’m hyper as is...
@hayhorRICH! SEE TOTAL RICHNESS! Only rich ppl are satiated! Broke Beings like me are always salivating and unsatisfied ☹️
also only rich ppl on purpose tell hungry ppl what they’ve eaten and that there full!
@soccerking122 Isn’t hayhor mean to us ;(