5 years ago
Rampart & Crypto - Suggestion to make their ultimate combo viable
I was thinking that this flying turret "exploit" is not that much of a bad thing, especially since it can help Rampart and Crypto get a better pick rate and opens up new, fun tactics, that encourage teamwork as well. Some things need to be adjusted though, so this combo can be kept in the game but not be too much of a disadvantage for the enemies. Here's some ideas:
- Mounting turret on the drone transforms it into an enhanced carry drone, much larger (bigger hitbox) and louder, moving slower and eventually with a smaller range and limited flight time (dropping to the ground after 30 seconds and waiting another 10-30 to recharge.
- The height a loaded drone can reach gets limited and going higher than that triggers the usual warning to return to the battle area for Rampart.
- When Crypto exits the drone controls, the drone starts descending slowly until it reaches the ground (alternative to the limited flight time
- On Crypto's ult, Rampart gets damaged and slowed just like the enemies and falls off the turret, which can either get destroyed in the process or become disabled for 20 seconds.
- If Crypto gets downed while controlling the drone, an alarm sounds for 1-2 seconds, followed by a slow descent to the ground.
- Turret precision get affected significantly by drone movement changes, forcing Crypto to control it smoothly for Rampart to actually land some shots.
- Arc stars can stick to drone, disabling or destroying on explosion both the drone and the mounted turret and also damaging Rampart.
- Bombardments can destroy the both the turret and the drone, damaging Rampart as well.
- Enemy drone ult disables the combo, the turret gets destroyed and Rampart gets shield damage and slowdown effect, while also falling on the ground.
- If a Pathfinder grapples Rampart while on the drone, it makes her fall off. Same if any enemy manages to punch Rampart during flight, reaching her by jumping or using Horizon's anti gravity.