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@Cheese9Man how can you play with aim assist and feel like you actually won or did anything? its like entering a car race, but before starting you slash the tires of all the other cars so they are actually missing something that you have. wheels. in the case of apex its aimbot... er i mean aim assist. Bottom line is that its a computer program that aims and micro adjusts for you.

16 Replies

  • @Yohimbay No it's not. It slows down your sensitivity by ~33% when you're close to a target, other than that is does nothing, no work is done for you, no auto tracking either. To have the same effect without AA on controller you'd have to lower your sensitivity a lot which will make most players move like a potato. Usually when people lose to other players it's easy to blame the other person but more often than not the problem lies with you. I got 1 clipped up close and at range many times, also 2 tapped in the head with a Wingman or a PK up close more times than I care to remember by mouse players. A controller player used to be the least of my worries,,,it is what it is. I suspect your issue is not controller but people cheating. Also, why would it be so hard to accept that maybe, just maybe you got outplayed by a better player?
  • RevMainPls's avatar
    4 years ago
    @Sand_spitter Why you controllerplayers allways need to lie about it? it does not just slow down... it does actively track, it literrly turns your character...
  • @RevMainPls Show me your proof. I play on the thing don't you think I would know if it moves for me?

    And why do you m+k players always have to assume your better than the rest of the word? Truth is you don't respect controller/console players one bit and it hurts your ego to lose to them. Would you feel better losing to someone using a mouse? Or would the fact of you losing have to be something else like hacking as well?
  • @Sand_spitter  they're actually correct on this one, it's just not to the degree people state it to be.

    Ever had a player fly directly along your line of sight when dropping out the jumpship? It can literally lock on to them and drag you off your trajectory.

    Simply strafing left and right in front of a firing range dummy is the simplest way to see AA taking effect though.

  • RevMainPls's avatar
    4 years ago
    @Sand_spitter If you didnt notice it yourself that the aimassist literly turns your character, then every proove i would bring here you would lie about...

    Why do you think i assume i am better than the rest of the world ? or my fellow MnK players... No i am not hurt at all when i lose to a Controllerplayer in a close range fight, its the same for me like getting killed by a cheater.. you can make up all the storys you want about how hard it is to aim with Controller, i dont mind...ive seen what people like Nicewigg knoqd or snipe can do with a controller, the lower tier controllerplayers are just making up excuses while the toptier controllerplayers proove how good controller actually can be
  • RevMainPls's avatar
    4 years ago
    @Sand_spitter even in that video you can see it pulling towards the target when he strafes left and right... thanks for prooving my point lol
  • Sand_spitter's avatar
    4 years ago
    @MandatoryIDtag But no one plays like that? We actually need to move the stick and turn and slide and jump around etc making it futile. For it to make that micro movement there needs to be no input on the stick at all. That "pull" you speak of literally won't help you at all because of how small it is. You're right though, I think the misconception is that people think it's somehow stronger than it actually is and for me at least I won't be bothered in the slightest if they remove it, wont make any difference to me as a player. But to remove the slowing down effect will throw me off completely.
  • @RevMainPls That's what's been bothering you this whole time?? Dude, they can have it removed I don't even care lol! It's useless once there is any input on the right stick and did you see it only moves ever so slightly. It will not "track" a moving target for you. In a fight it will be 100% pointless. All good bro, didn't know that's what you were referring to.
  • RevMainPls's avatar
    4 years ago
    @Sand_spitter It does track a moving target for you... and the closer you are the stronger it is, the effect is much stronger when the enemy is strafing infront of you because it counteradjusts to their movement with 0ms reactiontime and this is why MnK is annoyed with it and nothing else
  • @RevMainPls It's rendered useless if there's input from the right stick. Like I said, I won't even care if they remove that part of it.
  • heme725's avatar
    4 years ago

    @RevMainPls The video he showed implied a couple things and one of them is that AA doesn't track for you while you're aiming. Seems like it pulls towards your target but only while the player isn't touching the right stick at all. If you believe the video it suggests (but doesn't prove) your point is wrong.

    The video also shows that AA is stronger on PC-Controller when not ADS but suggests Console players have slightly stronger pull when ADS. Both of those examples are only for when NOT touching the aim stick though.

    Everyone agrees that controller is stronger in close combat but counter adjusting to movement... that's even a flat out lie or I don't understand what you mean.

  • hayhor's avatar
    4 years ago
    @Sand_spitter Exactly. No one playing on a controller starts shooting and doesn't move the right stick. And if they do they die. If you die to someone not using their right stick that's on you. It means you weren't moving at all.
  • @heme725 it allways pulls towards the target even when you move the stick, else it wouldnt do anything at all, the whole argument would be dead in 1 sec if that was the case. Pro´s wouldnt call it broken including controllerplayers themself... You can also test that pretty easy yourself in shootingrange even on the dummy

    For the responding to movement, just go to shootingrange with a friend both of you do A/D spam and see how it responds to his movement, it does follow his movement obviously... else it wouldnt be an aimassist

    Once again if Aimassist wouldnt do anything while moving the stick, controller also wouldnt be stronger in close combat because it doesnt do something right? 😉
  • @RevMainPls You need to remember that you absolutely HAVE to touch the right stick to balance the recoil. You are pulling in the opposite direction - down. If it pulled the other way by itself recoil control would be a mess.
  • heme725's avatar
    4 years ago

    @RevMainPls There are rare moments when I'm trying to shoot an active player and my aim slightly sticks to his knocked teammate (not sure if this is simply the slowdown effect or actual sticking if I'm honest) so I'm not shooting down that idea entirely. I'm saying the effect is so weak while you're aiming it's basically negligible. 

    Pros are annoyed by controller players' effectiveness at close range and the idea of players having assisted aim since it doesn't sound skillful. None of them fairly discuss the different advantages of each input device or the amount of skill it takes for different systems to perform the same moves. They also have a tendency to exaggerate things by calling AA a straight up Aim Bot despite the strength of each being worlds apart. 

    The following is what I personally think of AA:

    What makes AA strong at close range to me is the slow down effect. When trying to track a strafing player its typical for my aim to slip off target as they move side to side. Slowing my crosshairs whenever I drag it across my target minimizes how often and how badly I'll slip off target allowing for more shots to hit. Similar to how lowering your sensitivity makes it a little easier to land shots since you're not able to move enough to overshoot your target.

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