5 years ago
I only post when i see a huge occurrence of something.....NERF AIM ASSIST .... from Xim Apex to REWASD and then JUST Console in general is basically soft aimbot mid to CqC... certain settings give yo...
@RevMainPls The video he showed implied a couple things and one of them is that AA doesn't track for you while you're aiming. Seems like it pulls towards your target but only while the player isn't touching the right stick at all. If you believe the video it suggests (but doesn't prove) your point is wrong.
The video also shows that AA is stronger on PC-Controller when not ADS but suggests Console players have slightly stronger pull when ADS. Both of those examples are only for when NOT touching the aim stick though.
Everyone agrees that controller is stronger in close combat but counter adjusting to movement... that's even a flat out lie or I don't understand what you mean.
@RevMainPls There are rare moments when I'm trying to shoot an active player and my aim slightly sticks to his knocked teammate (not sure if this is simply the slowdown effect or actual sticking if I'm honest) so I'm not shooting down that idea entirely. I'm saying the effect is so weak while you're aiming it's basically negligible.
Pros are annoyed by controller players' effectiveness at close range and the idea of players having assisted aim since it doesn't sound skillful. None of them fairly discuss the different advantages of each input device or the amount of skill it takes for different systems to perform the same moves. They also have a tendency to exaggerate things by calling AA a straight up Aim Bot despite the strength of each being worlds apart.
The following is what I personally think of AA:
What makes AA strong at close range to me is the slow down effect. When trying to track a strafing player its typical for my aim to slip off target as they move side to side. Slowing my crosshairs whenever I drag it across my target minimizes how often and how badly I'll slip off target allowing for more shots to hit. Similar to how lowering your sensitivity makes it a little easier to land shots since you're not able to move enough to overshoot your target.