If the lower TTK was intended to reduce 3rd partying (of which, in 100 S6 games I don't see that it has) surely there were better solutions, such as restoring all players in a winning squad to full health (but not full shield) when the other squad was wiped out.
Personally, I am finding S6 a bit boring. In 50% of my games I am running around with my squad looting for five minutes and then bumping into other squads by accident more then design. If they get the first shot off or have a better gun than you, you do not have time to recover before you are downed. That's more luck than skill. In my best game yesterday I got second place but only because I found a Prowler and SF early doors. Most of the time I am running around with an RE45 which is good but hardly perfect. Two of my favourites 'good enough' guns - the Alternator and LSTAR - seem now to be pretty useless.
I much preferred longer fights. Timing engagement when your enemy has emptied a clip seems to have gone out of the window.
Towards the end of S5 I could string 5 or 6 10 minute+ games in a row. Now they seem to be a rarity. Even in ranked if you are teamed with players who still go gung-ho the game is over in a flash. In 100 S6 games I can remember winning one 1 v 2. Winning a 1 v 3 ... impossible.
Not a fan of S6 so far. I worked hard to 'git gud' and all that progress seems to be thrown out of the window.