"Are the servers got separation between the servers/locations within the region?"
- From what I understand, locations with mutliple servers nearby tends to be in very populated areas to where everyone would be able to play the game without overloading one of the servers.
I'm not sure if the players are placed into their own ques based on which one they connected to, however I would imagine the smart thing to do would be to combine the que of all these players into one as the servers aren't that far apart from each other.
"Is there a limit of players per server "region" they can see each other -thus the game got an xxxx amount of players and its divided up between the region per servers-?"
- There might be, but again I'm not fully sure. If there is a cap per data center within a region, and there's other nearby data centers within the same region, I would imagine that the que of players would be merged into one, (as mentioned before, as that would make sense).
"I assume if I connect to Belgium server I can still play with a Friend connected to Frankfurt server, but other than that, what are the limitations -if any-?"
- Anyone should be able to connect to any server and play with anyone else, however when in a party, the server that every player will be connected to, would be the one in the party leader's chosen data center.
This would mean that if you're the party leader on the Belgium server, your Frankfurt server friend would be playing on Belgium's servers, which would mean they would have to deal with any lag that comes with being slightly further away. If I were to join your party, (I'm on the North America servers), I would be lagging like crazy as I'm much further away from both Belgium and Frankfurt. If you both were to join me, you two would be the one with the lag due to high ping.
In short:
- Servers within the same region, (from what I know of), should connect to the same que of players.
- There may be a player cap per server, but I doubt it would ever be an issue as populated regions tend to have more data centers.
- Players playing in a party will connect to and use the party leader's chosen server/data center.