XIM / CRONUSMAX Type of Devices Need To Be Banned From Apex
I think players using these type of devices with no recoil scripts is affecting updates in Apex. I noticed someone talk about it so i checked out the comments on the brands YouTube channels. Most people are tricked into using the scripts. They simply don't understand their cheating when their using them. The reason why it's a big issue is if you have everyone using the same scripts with no recoil, the casual players won't see that their using scripts, but just think that current weapon is OP.
The second streamers pick up on this news that something is OP and their looking for any so called "content" they start their own videos. Respawn puts out a patch. This false data could be from these type of devices directly.
I would like to see Respawn talk on this subject.
Video 1 HERE is someone using a script running aim lock over and over with reduced recoil. To the best of my knowledge, it's a console as the crap motion blur and textures no one in their right mind would use on PC. This also is a keyboard and mouse with aim assist. Tell me why this is accepted in gaming?