Apex crashes with multiple errors - I Need Help
Hello everyone and thank you in advance.
Last few days my Apex crashes literally every game (sometimes even a few times during a game) either not showing any errors at all (most of the time) or showing different errors each time.
So my top of latest errors I had:
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG - faced it even a few times, my top 1
- client/cl_chroma.gnut: CLIENT SCRIPT COMPILE ERROR: Undefined variable "SkyDiveLayerTransitionTime" - checked few topics here, the solution was to remove -dev from launch properties. I've double checked, don't have it there and never had.
- DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED ("The video card has been physically removed from the system, or a drive upgrade for the video card has occured.")
- those are top, but a few more you can find in the screenshots attached
My configuration:
Windows 10 19042.782, RTX 2070, Ryzen 7 3700x, HyperX Fury 2x8GB 2666MHz + 2x8GB 3000MHz (is that might be an issue cause RAM is a bit different?)
What I've already tried:
- Updating Geforce Experience and Game Ready drivers
- Reinstalling both Origin and Apex
- Launching Apex with -dxlevel 95
- Turning off G-Sync/FreeSync
- Tried installing 417.35 driver (solved Device Removed in one of topics), but actually didn't work cause it seems to be too old and it says my system doesn't support it.
If anyone has any idea how to sort it out - you're welcome with any ideas cause I really like Apex and been playing it a lot, but now it makes me consider something else which I actually don't want to play.
Ok, so I get it solved by removing 2x8GB 3000MHz RAMs.
Not quite sure why it caused a problem but it looks like the issue is that RAMs are different.