Crashes after recent collection update
I've noticed some errors while playing. Let me list what's happening, please consider I can't remember the full warning messages:
1. Game crashes on Olympus and closes the game with an exception displaying the "device hung" message. Almost every 2 matches.
2. Game crashes on Olympus in several POIs same as point 1 but with a different message: "a texture of 512x512 could not be loaded". I noticed right before this happened that the healing box (the one that shows batteries and medkits) got distorted.
3. Game crashes and closes the game on any map with a message of "game engine failed".
4. Storm point's tree shadows are cluttering and a "red firefly" like particle system right in front of my character won't let me see and it's visually annoying. This happens more on waterfall POI.
My specs:
GPU: GTX 1660Ti
Processor: Ryzen 5 3600
Already tried a few solutions but none worked:
1. Installed the most recent NVIDIA game driver.
2. Rolled back gpu driver.
Any help on this matter is highly appreciated.
These errors are first time after the update, I think we can say it's not my system's fault