Forum Discussion
first time in ps4 is season8. And I started playing in pc from season 14 but i didn't play a lot in pc.
I had linked different ps4 account with steam account before cross progression release. when I knew cross progression will release, I changed ps4's linked account
Hey folks,
The reason you're finding progress disappearing is because of the account unlinks. Unlinking an account will cause a loss of progress. It is not possible to merge or transfer any content between two separate accounts.
The only way to try recovering this content would be to re-link the original accounts.
- 6 months ago
Well that can’t be right because I never unlinked anything
- 6 months ago
I never unlinked anything I linked it I tried to do cross save and it basically got rid of my PlayStation save, please give it to my Xbox account give me my PlayStation account back or reimburse me
- EA_Mako6 months ago
Community Manager
I'm afraid your Xbox and PlayStation accounts were indeed unlinked.
Your Xbox account has been linked to this account, but looks like it was unlinked towards the end of last year. This is also when the PlayStation account was linked here for the first time.
The Xbox account has since been re-linked here, but this is not the original EA account used by your PSN account. It looks like this EA account only launched Apex on PlayStation for the first time within the past month or so.
You would need to re-link your PSN account to the original EA account where that progress was made. Unfortunately that progress cannot be transferred to a separate (this) EA account.
- 6 months ago
Right but I never unlinked my psn so how did it get unlinked?
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