Forum Discussion
10 Replies
The game is full of errors , and very badly optimized. It's not about your pc config game just suck
give them time cause its released just yesterday so there will be a lot of work for EA & Respawn group :D
- Carbonic7 years agoHero+
Make sure the game is running on the correct graphics chip.
Well, you do have the non-Ti mobile version of a GTX 1050, combined with a very slow 2.2 Ghz CPU, so it's altogether possible your laptop doesn't have the juice to muster huge frame-rates here. Although you'd hope for better than 10-15fps at the Low setting, like you said.
- cofmann7 years ago
Hey @smeshnoyyyz, make sure that all drivers for windows and your gpu drivers are up to date.
You can also try to do a clean boot to see if there any programs messing with Battlefield V and turn off any overlay programs for example Discord or Nvidia experience./Atic
As someone previously said make sure in Nvidia Control panel that games is using your dedicated GPU. Overall I think you should be able to get 60 FPS maybe with some dips on Low settings on relatively good resolution but dont expect anything more. You can also tweak some stuff in config to squeeze some more frames config is located in User->Saved Games->Apex->local and theres an videoconfig file. LowSpecGamers tweaks on Titanfall 2 work on this game too. btw as we can see EA ,,helpers'' just simply copy exact same stuff in their replies and even forget to change the name of game from Battlefield V to Apex lmfao. At least bother to check that people help here eachother for free and you get paid for that lol...
- Fred_vdp7 years agoHero+
@Carbonic wrote:
Make sure the game is running on the correct graphics chip.
My money's on this. It's quite common for a game launching through Origin to not use the right GPU.
You can force it in the Nvidia control panel under 'manage 3D settings.'
nvidia expirience cant find this game 🙂
Do not use GF Experience but Nvidia Control Panel and within ,,Manage 3D Settings'' tab you should add games executable manually there and choose ,,High Performance Nvidia Processor''.
Thanks, that worked so its now playable.
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