Low FPS with low settings and lowered resolution, help please.
Hello, I just started getting back into this game about a week ago and since the last time ive played the game i got a 144hz gsync monitor. I can manage to get 144 fps in the training grounds no problem, but when i hop into a BR game, my fps goes between 100-144 and sometimes in the 90's. I got so desperate that I even set my resolution to 720p (native is 1080 on my display).
My specs are:
GTX 1050 TI mini zotac 4GB VRAM OC'd 1962MHz
8GB ram
i5 6500 3.2 MHz (non-K)
everything is on low, I followed many videos online for the videoconfig file so i dont think anything in the settings would be the issue. I can run around in certain areas with 144 fps but in gunfights in never goes that high. I feel like even with my specs i should be able to manage 144 fps with lowered resolution and everything on low in the settings and ive also turned off shadows in the videoconfig file. Ive been wanting to play this game at a decent framerate for the longest time but for some reason this game just hates me lmao. I can play valorant and csgo at 144 no problem. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Hey, @Niqse can you try a clean boot to see if any programs are messing with APEX and turn off any overlay programs, such as Discord or Nvidia experience.
Can you add a Dxdiag so we can see what hardware and drivers you have?
Let me know if this works or not for you. 🙂