Forum Discussion
Just played 3 games, and 3 crashes 🙂 So JOB WELL DONE Respawn/EA.
Running on the newest NVIDIA "Season 4 Ready" drivers. Game is unplayable.
That's a bummer to hear. I've successfully played 4 or 5 games between yesterday and today with no crashes, but that doesn't mean that it's fixed for me. I'll keep trying and report back once I have a larger data set.
- 6 years ago
6 games 3 crashes now, and my friend who also runs an RTX has no issues.
The game in my opinion season 4 is rubbish, took guns out nerf guns. very sad.
never once has modern warfare crashed since launch
- 6 years ago
I don't mind the content of the patch, but I'm definitely anxious to get stability issues ironed out. When yours crashes, does it create the apex_crash.txt file in your Documents folder?
- 6 years ago
For those of you that are crashing: Do you have a G-SYNC compatible display and is it enabled? Is Apex running in full-screen or borderless windowed mode?
- 6 years ago
Where do i find that ? found something called a crash notepad
also got to the point where i will get a penalty in game
- 6 years ago
Yes G-SYNC is on in full screen mode
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