5 years ago
Xbox lag apex legends
I’d like to know why there’s continuous lag/stutter and rubber banding on Xbox one with apex. This has been going on for a long time. My internet and router are fine, I’ve made sure upnp is on I’ve e...
Your worse PING when connecting to the router is at 18ms. That should be in the single digits. You've also got another very high worst ping on the 5th hop. That's before reaching our server. Can you run the test again so we can see if the results are the same? Also, what country are you located in?
heres another after i made a change on my modem/router,, also NAT is turned on on my router as well , not sure if that should be shut off
You posted that last test when I was responding. That one is showing the same issue as the first with the bad ping on the 5th hop. This could be the issue and would be on your ISP's side.
For the NAT, it needs to be open or moderate. What does it say on the network settings screen on your Xbox? You'll see the NAT setting listed there.
On Xbox on start up it says moderate than switches to open , my dns is configured in my router to use those addresses you provided already . I’m going to test changing it to auto and see if it’s different
Open is good. You don't need to change that. You could try enabling QoS (Quality of Service) if your router supports it. You'll want to google your router model to see if it does.
current stats with Port FWD/Trigger disabled completely and the following dns servers on router. Xbox DNS set to auto and says it gets it from my router.
there in no QoS on ym router either
It's possible you have an older router or one that just doesn't support that feature. QoS prioritizes gaming connections on your network over other connections.
That test looks fine. I'm not seeing any issues. Does every match have the lag you're experiencing or do you have matches where all is well?
It’s every match , and now with the settings the way they are the NAT on Xbox has changed to moderate so and says I’m behind a port restricted upnp , so now I think something needs to be shut off
current test with all the same settings, except changed port forward to open which changed xbox nat to open
Are you sure UPnP is enabled? Your NAT can be moderate or open. You may want to set it on your router to open to be sure it stays as such.
It needs to be done on your router. You can google the instructions. If you tell me your router model, I'll perform that search for you.