Which maps presently provide a poor opening experience because of the location of the Base Spawn?
In my opinion the base spawn location on every map is very poorly placed. The only Base Spawn which is an exception to a certain degree is Kaleidoscope. The biggest problem here is the distance to the closest objective and the lack of general vehicles (pick-ups, quads) without guns. Walking for 3 minutes to an objective is quite boring, besides that once you get close it is already capped and you have to walk all the way to the next objective which will also be capped at the moment you will arrive. It is really frustrating and you don't feel you are participating and doing something useful. This is the reason I always (yes always) immidiately redeploy and wait for a middle point to be capped and be part of the battle much quicker.
This problem can be solved in the following way.
Move the Base Spawn closer to the first objective.
Spawn general vehicles without guns close to the Base Spawn. This will mean a lot less running. Also tactical advantages because people can go straight for the middle objective if they want.
When the match is starting. Let the helicopters with infantry (infantry spawn) land very close to the first objective. This way the first minutes of infantry will be more engaging and fun.
Which maps are making it harder to get back into the fight in an all cap scenario?
Every map except Kaleidoscope. The distance between the Base Spawn and the closest objective are just to far to run.
A way to solve this is to spawn vehicles (may be without guns) in the base spawn which keeps respawning when they get destroyed. Like in all previous Battlefield games. This way people can get back in the fight much quicker. Also flanking and capping an objective behind the enemy will be an option then causing the enemy to fall back.
I want to add something else. Make it harder for pilots to fly into the Base Spawn. It is really annoying to spawn and get immidiately moved down by a Nightbird or yes a kamikaze jet.
How do you feel about the current balance between Infantry and Vehicles in Breakthrough?
Maybe it’s coincidence, but in my experience there are more vehicles on the attacking side then the defending side. This is one reason why I don’t like to play it.
If this is indeed the case, spawning stationary anti tank guns (like the ones in BF5 but then modern) will be a nice addition I think. This will also give people more reason to switch between gadgets instead of having it locked to the ATor the AA launchers.
Have you played 64 player Breakthrough, and do you feel that this is the better way to experience the mode?
Yes for sure! It is less chaotic and makes you wonder less about what is going on.
Also the flow is much better. The team has to split up and once you attack an objective you wont be facing 100 guns like in 128 player Breakthrough.
On which maps and Flags do you see the most immediate need for more line of sight blockers?
First I want to say that every spawn (when it gets capped) should be looked at. In all maps you will spawn in an open area. This causes a spawn kill in 90% of the time. This is IMO the first thing that should be looked at!
But maps that need it the most mid-game are (conquest 128 only):
Kaleidoscope: air & ground. G is the biggest problem here. Followed by C and B. The rooftops (exception F2) are very helicopter friendly.
Breakaway: air & ground. The A1 and A2 and B (both) objectives are fine. The rest lack cover.
Discarded: air, The B2 objective is very open and a heaven for helicopters to get kills since there is no cover he hide under while capping or defending the objective.
Renewal: Air and ground. The only two objectives that are fine are A2, C and E1. The spawn kill potential on this map is the biggest. Please look at this problem! (Defenitely when spawning at sector D)
Hourglass: Air and ground. Air cover is needed on the E objectives. B and D are very open for both air and ground. C only for air vehicles.
Orbital: D1 spawn when it gets capped is very open. Giving a lot of spawn kill potential.
Manifest and Oribital are the only maps that are fine mid-game in terms of hard cover
Do you have specific areas on maps that currently stand out to you as lacking cover?
In my opinion cover should be added from the Base Spawn to the closest objective. This lacks currently in every map.
But maps that need it the most mid-game are (conquest 128 only):
Kaleidoscope. The hill between B and F (right side of D). Also above B looking from F to B.
Discarded: The area from A to D and C.
Breakaway: Every area between the sector objectives. The cover between objectives in the sectors themselves are fine.
Renewal: A to C and D to C are the biggest problems.
Hourglass: Basicly every hill between the objectives. It not safe to walk over them, but you have to when you want tot get to the next sector.
Once again, Orbital and Manifest are fine.
Do you have thoughts on how we can better define traveling paths between objectives to keep combat focused?
Clear funnels. Take the cliff on Breakaway as example you either go through it with a big chance on finding enemies or you can go way around it coming up behind the enemy. Also Orbital has very clear paths. Also add vehicles without guns on friendly objectives (quads or cars).
Do you see improvement opportunities to make it easier to understand how to get from one objective to the next?
I already explained above how I would do that. Also previous Battlefield games has very defined paths. Due to the large maps these get more fuzzy. One other way is to improve the big and mini maps to clearly define the main roads.
Other thoughts
I also would like to see the construction feature from Battlefield 5 come back. This way we can rebuild and add cover.
One addition that would be nice is to build anti-Sundance pillars (this comes from a Sundance main). These pillars are covered with pikes and go through in the air for a few meters. Sundance has to avoid these spikes are the will get 50% damage and fall down.
This pillar can also damage helicopters and will be a great counter to Nighbirds, which always fly low to attack infantry.
The pillars can be easily destroyed by one explosive.