OK this is going to be a long one because I feel this game has greatly underdelivered.
A few disclaimers
1. I only play on PS5
2. I only play Breakthrough 128 players. Conquest is too much running around for my liking. (My mainstay for past Battlefield games has been TDM because I just prefer CQC infantry combat without having vehicles harass you lol. Please add TDM to the main AOW section as a server browser option: Portal TDM is dead)
3. I play mainly infantry with the occasional trip on the tank when I feel like I need an ego trip haha! I can't fly planes or jets for some reason 🤷♂️
OK so here goes:
1. With regards to Base Spawn I think almost all the maps provide a poor opening experience (Breakthrough) because you have to travel a fair distance to get to the first point. This is mostly only an issue for me when I'm playing as the attacker. When you're defending it's ok.
However the worst offenders here are Manifest which has a stupid water bit I ALWAYS fall into (as an attacker). Then you have to find the ladder to get out. It just annoys me. Yes I should be more careful but if the route was shorter then I would not habe to worry about said water pit. Lol.
Orbital has a fairly lengthy Base to flag run (again attacking).
2. I think the balance between infantry and vehicles is fine. But I do feel like helicopter respawns should be increased. There's far too many of those rascals in the sky to evade especially as there is less cover in these maps. Maybe add more cover in open sections so that infantry are not easy targets.
3. Yes I have played 64 player Breakthrough but in all honesty I find 128 player better because the maps are so big. The only benefit I see of 64 players is the better framerate which makes sense as there is less going on. If only 128 was as smooth as an experience, because I do get some low framerates especially when big explosions go off. Please do not get rid of 128 players. Maybe just find a way to make it a smoother experience graphically. I appreciate it will be a demanding task but this is what we have come to expect when purchasing next gen consoles.
4. Wrt line of sight blockers is totally not an issue on Manifest - in fact I feel it's quite the opposite - far too many containers, it's like a maze sometimes. It's also my least favourite map because it's dark and dingy. Maybe have the option to make it daytime map too so that it feels more like Noshar Canals.
If we're talking specifically about Flags on Breakthrough, I think for the most part there is enough cover around them. It's the areas away from the flags that are more troublesome. I've never had a moment in Breakthrough where I've felt like capping a flag was a nightmare
5. All maps except Manifest lack cover in certain areas. The centre section of Kaleidoscope, the first sector in Breakaway, the area near flag A on Orbital (first sector), really open grassy area. Yes it has troughs and hilly bits but very little in the way of cover. I think when it comes to cover from infantry the maps are OK, but the problem in Breakthrough (and maybe Conquest) is the lack of cover from vehicles, especially air vehicles. The first sector in Renewal between flag A and B has little in the way of cover,. Ok it has a rocky areas but no cover from air vehicles. The same goes for the third sector when you enter the green area from the desert area. The area before attacking the objectives in that sector is very open green area where the crop-watering machines are.
6. It would be nice to have like quadbikes or bikes scattered across maps to get from one flag to the next. Like the tuktuk on Kaleidoscope. Add something like that on other maps.
I'm sure I have forgotten some points and not answered all of the questions you have asked but here are some additional comments not related to the questions but I feel I very important and need to addressed in order to make it feel like a Battle game.
1. Please bring back more destruction. This is what makes Battlefield the game it is. I understand it's 2042 and building may be tougher (lol) but you can do it. I want to be able to destroy a house with my rocket launcher.
Talking of houses, I feel like the current maps are too industrial. Like launch pads, container ports etc. Industrial building have a certain architectural design. I'd like to see maps in towns and villages or forests with houses, barns, hangars, barracks, villas, something scenic. BF5 and BF1 have some of the best maps. Yes it's a different era altogether but those maps have a certain aura about them that make more playable and likeness factor, in my personal opinion. Marita, Lofoten, Mercury, Provence all stellar maps in BF5.
For me, ambience plays a huge part in a map and I feel like 2042 maps are too sharp and straight-edged.
2. Please add more maps and weapons, and not 1 map and 2 guns after every 6 months! I'm talking about 2 new maps and at least 4 new weapons every 2 or 3. months. I feel like that is realistic. Some of us consumers spent upward of £80 on this game and we expect quantity as well as quality!!
3. Fix general bugs and glitches more quickly. This is a AAA title and if your team cannot cope then hire more devs.
4. Respect the community. Don't abandon us and treat us with disrespect. The vast majority of us have been loyal to the Battlefield brand since it's inception. Listen to us and care less about your pockets. Because if you listen to us, your pockets will grow!! Remember that!
The Battlefield community desparately want this game to succeed and the lack of communication from DICE has been extremely evident which is why a lot of players have already abandoned this game.
I hope EA and DICE can turn this around. It may be too late for some people but if you deliver on the many aspects then who knows you might see a revival.
Thank you for the opportunity to let me comment, but now the ball is in your court. I don't want this to be the last ever Battlefield game I purchase.