@UP_Hawxxeye The restrictions are due to all the scrubs who filled up Portal with a million xp farm servers. Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes.
I feel sorry for people that waste their time watching/listening to clownders as if his opinion is the only one that matters (it doesn't at all, no where near it), he's just one guy that feeds off negativity and attracts frustrated champs who still think it's December 2021. If a person enjoys the game then that's all that matters.
2042 launched very badly, but is fine now. Overall gameplay and performance is a smooth experience on PS5 and I'm sure on good PCs (if people are playing on old-gen or on old PCs then I'm sure it ain't the best). It's a Battlefield game set in the slight future and that's exactly how it looks and feels (BF5 - WW2, BF1 - WW1, BF4 - modern day, Hardline - cops/robbers - all feel, look, and play different to one another which is excellent). Portal is a nice extra feature and does exactly as it should (if people were expecting to fully edit maps then they need to gitgud) but All-Out-Warfare is still better (always was). There's plenty of toys to play with across the board (guns, gadgets, vehicles, specialists, attachments, etc) that make it a fun sandbox. The moment classes came back any complaints about specialists have been meaningless (they ain't superheroes at all). Yeah, definitely could have and should have had more maps, I'm just surprised the launch ones got reworked and we got 3 more seasons. 2042 and BF5 basically have the same number of maps in rotation, which are at least all available to everyone and not split-up and divided across an outdated premium pass model. Main problem really are pathetic PC cheaters.
People ripped on BF5 right up until it ended, only to then do a 180 by praising it and appreciate that it's a fun experience. Same exact thing is happening to 2042. Nostalgic clowns also seem to be quick to forget that BF4 ain't the perfect game they think it is (was literally garbage in its first year, not an exaggeration. Even now it still has lame imperfections like an unpatched invisibility glitch lol, gg devs. Good game for its time, but not perfect).
At the end of the day if a person feels like playing a slight-future Battlefield experience then 2042 offers that. Fun is up to the player.
PS: give us the AUG Assault Rifle, devs!