4 years ago
False positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the sa...
what are people doing? Creating anotehr Origin account and rebuy the game? If so, nonsense... because your still exposed to having the same problem over and over...
That will not unban me though haha
I only use iCue for my keyboard at the moment, even tough i have a corsair case, but no RGB
is this some people already did ? and it actually worked?
@BizzyVaping wrote:
@TheUltimateSmugI have been using iCue while gaming for atleast the last 7 years and never heard of this, or got banned from any game.
Neither have I until now, but it is mentioned on the net.
"Failing to follow these guidelines will have consequences meaning your time on the battlefield will come to an end. We may place restrictions on your account and revoke your access to Battlefield 2042. If you have repeat or severe instances, we may permanently terminate your EA account."
I think a lot of people starting on the 19th will be in the same boat.I dont wish that to anyone, but unless there is a massive amount of people reaching out I doubt they move. After all, EAC cant be wrong cant it?
I just want to mainstream streamer to get "lucky" with that random ban (if its legit false positive only haha), and walk his way through getting his account back because he has a bigger voice than regular players. Show how little faith we can have in them.
This is in my Account data. Anyone know what it means? It lines up to the exact date and time I got the Banned email.
"Event_Type": "accountChangeLog",
"Account_Change": "[endDate\u003d2089-11-16T17:44Z(null)\u0026reasons\u003dnull(null)\u0026readOnly\u003dnull(false)\u0026comments\u003dnull(null)]",
"Timestamp": "2021-12-03T17:44:51.982Z",
"Event_Status": "SUCCEEDED"
@TT-Muffins wrote:This is in my Account data. Anyone know what it means? It lines up to the exact date and time I got the Banned email.
"Event_Type": "accountChangeLog",
"Account_Change": "[endDate\u003d2089-11-16T17:44Z(null)\u0026reasons\u003dnull(null)\u0026readOnly\u003dnull(false)\u0026comments\u003dnull(null)]",
"Timestamp": "2021-12-03T17:44:51.982Z",
"Event_Status": "SUCCEEDED"
I have the exact same in there, only my timestamp is like 7 seconds later, bet its just a row in their database saying that this account is banned for said game. But without knowing the columns its hard to tell.
I don’t have iCue or any Corsair stuff on my computer, no hacks no cheats but I do have GeForce Experience, but EAC didn’t like something on my computer after two weeks I get banned falsely accused of hacking
not true i have been running both for ever i think we need to turn the anti cheat software up about 100% and perma ban by credit card email and use phyisical address and drivers license accross all platforms and even prevent the purchase of games in the future for any known cheater.
I thought they had given up on anti cheat as players have non detectable hacks.
That's why no scoreboard so not to show how bad the situation is.