4 years ago
Joystick Support
I'm considering pre-ordering as I have for past Battlefield games but wanted to know more about any details regarding support for joysticks. I find flying with them is much better but support for the...
@Fun1eX wrote:
@CofranOPCIf someone thinks a console controller is advantageous its inexperince, just saying . . . 😉
I totally agree with you. Playing with controller (for me at least) it's not easy at all and what makes it "advantageous" is the aim-assist and not the controller itself. Flying a Heli in BF4 was way easier for me with MnK than with a controller.
I really do want the add MnK for consoles and Joystick support for all platforms!!
Would be nice to actually get a reply from someone at EA saying it’s at least it’s on the books for JOYSTICK support.
so… EA I’m talking to YOU!
will joysticks be added to 2042?