Forum Discussion
To quote a MVP on the Xim forums:
"Cronus will have the same problem. No-one can bypass the DualSense requirement and the communication protocol can’t be cracked because all packets are encrypted and timestamped.
XIM APEX never fully supported PS5 and no new game support was promised...
We’ve been warning about this happening on PS5 for over a year. If you want next-gen game support for XIM, get an Xbox."
And from the Titan forums:
"… the DualSense's controller communication protocol with the PS5 console. It looks uncrackable due to encryption and timestamped packets. So a DualSense won't be spoofed, which is needed to launch PS5 games...
Call of Duty and Battlefield will both have "Trigger Effects Required", which means only a DualSense controller directly connected to the console will work."
@Lancelot_du_Lachey in call of duty cold war/vanguard have native support kb+m you don't need xim/cronus 🙂
- 4 years ago
Many use xim and chronus regardless of m/kb native support because they get the benefit of aim assist and mouse precision aiming.
Giving m/kb native support won’t stop xim users!
- ZjemCiKolege4 years agoSeasoned Veteran@emerson1975 But it also won't force an ordinary person to buy this device 🙂
- 4 years ago@emerson1975 There are people who use it as M&K and there are people who use it to cheat. Cheaters are going to cheat no matter what but the people who use it only to play with a M&K will no longer have to. This also ensures there is less Cronus users joining a controller lobby.
- 4 years ago
If u get aim assist on M&K while using xim, That will make you be a god at the game.
- Its_Travis_1994 years agoHero+
Haha, that's why aim assist is for controllers 👿
- 4 years ago@ZjemCiKolege Even new COD have m&k support. If it was problematic then devs would have removed this feature. It's a very useful feature for lot of us and helped me enjoy warzone. Please add m&k support to battlefield 2042 on consoles. Input based lobby is fine too so controllers don't feel attacked by this.
- 4 years ago
Guys, keep in mind that when you enable KB&Mouse on console the Aim assist is automatically turned off by the game, there's nothing to worry about.
Actually the Xim stuff is cheating, because then the console is not aware that you use mouse and keyboard and you keep the aim assist.
By the way, I have opened Feature request regarding this in different part of the forum (before this one was created), you can check it here:
Eventually upvoting posts like mine, may gather some dev attention.
- 4 years ago
I'm all for options, but I'd rather not roll against ppl using anything other than controllers.
All in all, it's not the end of the world if I'm going up against k&m ppl with my PS5 controller.
I roll to have fun, talk sht and chill..... not be honored with a star on the sidewalk hall of fame for gamers....due to my 'Captain fantastic' K/D ratio.
- 4 years ago
When using a mouse do you navigate round the menu options etc using the mouse like you would on PC?
Seriously hope K&M support is coming on this game (XSX) as I just can’t play with a controller.
- 4 years ago@8AR5TADOX In warzone you can use m&k in the menu and also in game. I think battlefield will be like that too if devs added m&k support. I too have trouble playing fps with controller. m&k helps me a ton. It is a request that don't hurt anybody and only help so many people. I hope the devs add it.
- 4 years ago
Yes add kb&m support please for consoles. Controller is only good for third person kind of games. FPS is best with kb&m so please support.
- 4 years ago@8AR5TADOX In COD yes that's how it work. Your mouse replaces the controller entirely, just like pc.
Hope they enable mouse in cross play in console.
RIP Xim on PS5, it doesnt work with ps5 games. For now.
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