Infantry has equal opportunity. There is Soflam and every single time a tank comes in, you have atleast 5 to 6 infantry men trying to take it out.
You can't be expecting to 1v1 a tank or helicopter.
Battlefield has always been a game where both infantry and vehicle gameplay is important.
But right now, it just seems like the casual players are all fully expecting to do a 1v1 a tank or heli and win it?
What I am worried about is how tanks are now becoming like BFV (2nd worst Battlefield game ever) tanks. They have to sit all the way back and just spam 1, hoping to hit.
Remember those BFBC2 or BF3 days, where once a tank is destroying infantry, infantry players actually re-deploy to equip the RPG and literally do crazy stunts to get that tank destroyed. What happened to all those play styles?
All of my observations are based on Breakthrough game mode, not conquest. It is very important you understand that Breakthrough playable area is cramped with a total of 128 players, meaning the number of AA missiles and Recoiless M5 is insane, along with the Soflams, prox scanners. To top it off, AA is broken, it literally lets you fire a shot instantly after your first lock.
I would like vehicle gameplay to be back, and as an infantry, I would like to have a fair chance to work with a bunch of guys to take out any tanks.
That stupid hovercraft should not even be in the game, I have really no clue what is its purpose other than to run people over?