4 years ago
The old scoreboard
Please bring back the old scoreboard showing kills, deaths, score, ping etc of all people in the server. The new one is too messy, unclear and doesn't show me useful information or just too little in...
@DragonAlex1Scoreboard is coming, although it was not specifically addressed in the recent news release:
Checking out this screenshot, in the upper right you will see:
Menu (Toggle)
@carsono311 Well this is a Console Sreenshot and I guess they only impliment this, what was already on PC, and what was NO REAL SCOREBOARD.
Look at this Screenshot I found in the internet.
@DragonAlex1Yes, that is Tab option for PC. There is / was a full scoreboard in the game, but it was not readily accessible and it did not have player scores or K/D in it… I want to say it was in the ESC menu
I suspect they will make that the full scoreboard and it was simply a work in progress…
@carsono311 Well but exactly THIS is what we want...
A real Scoreboard with the Score, Kills and Deaths from ALL Players. Or at least from the best 50% if the list would get to long and than a option to see the full list at the End of the game where you can scroll down...
And till now there is no footage of this, or did not be mentioned by the devs...
So it seems to be purpose to remove this feature. And many of us think it is just removed to hide the problems with hackers...
I've no idea how I'm performing compared to the rest of the players. I used to check the scoreboard all the time and so do most competitive players. The you vs foe was useful too. This is gone too. I have 0 interest in how I'm doing relatively to only squad mates. Ping is relevant too. You also removed platoon names. This is also bad for competitive players. I want to see if I killed/got killed a skilled player or noob. In bf5 for instance you ran into comp players with platoon names from time to time which give you extra motivational boost.
You basically removed all comp based aspects of the game. Which makes it super non motivated to put the extra effort and it's just not as fun as in previous games. I really don't understand why you removed all the great things from past titles. And the game play mechanics are light years away from what they used to be.
So again the question is, will you bring back the old scoreboard?
It absolutely should. EA/DICE should be embarrassed that not only are fans having to ask for such a basic feature, but ALSO that we're missing such a basic feature in a multiplayer only game!
They talk of harassment, this makes me laugh, i guess now a days people just can't take a joke because everything is offensive, a game is supposed to be competitive and how do you know if you are competitive if you have no scoreboard, if you really are a noob which every simple player once was at some point and you don't take criticism on your perfomance then what's keeping you from staying a noob forever, if you have no one teeling you that you are bad you will eventually have less motivation to grow better.
I guess the woke culture has reached the dice studios and developers are trying to impose on us their appalling ideas, in the future everyone will get a medal even if you finish last, imagine if the olympic games were like this, does anyone else see were this is leading?
We will get the old scoreboard on PC