Product: Battlefield 2042
Platform: Windows 11
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900x
GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060ti
RAM: 32gb DDR4 3200mhz
PSU: ASUS 1000w Gold
According to my Geforce Experience framerate and utilization monitor I'm getting about 40 FPS with stuttering and random drops with about 50% GPU usage and 50% CPU usage. Doesn't matter whether I'm on low or high, it doesn't matter if I'm playing at 1440p or 4k and it doesn't matter whether I have DLSS on or off. Framerate cannot hit 60 FPS nor stay consistent despite having around 50% of my GPU and CPU untapped by the game. Not sure why it isn't using 100% of one or the other. If it did I'd probably be hitting 60 FPS or above with DLSS on. I'm also running the game off the WD Black 750 NVMe that came with a copy of the game so I shouldn't be limited by read speeds either.
I read online that turning CPU hyperthreading off in the BIOS has worked for some people but I don't feel like I should have to change BIOS settings each time I play just to get a game to work when I'm above the Recommended Specs for the game. It's obviously an issue with the game engine. Game was obviously rushed to release with glaring issues. Glad I got it free with my NVMe or I'd be feeling ripped off right now.