BF2042 PC controller mixed up buttons
Product: Battlefield 2042
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number RTX 2070
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16GB
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Game Menu
In which game menu were you when the bug occurred? it's just the whole game
Please select your region Europe, North America
On which server did this happen?
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 13.11.21
Summarize your bug My PS5 controller has mixed buttons when I use it. For example, when I press circle, the game thinks I pressed the left on the d-pad.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Probably how it messed up was trying DS4. Start DS4 > disable steam input > start the game. (that's how I get PS button prompts to show instead of Xbox prompts) It messed up my controller. Then I've tried to use default steam input again, and exit DS4. The computer detects my controller but not BF2042. Tried other games with that controller, and it worked like it supposed to. To make it detect my controller again in BF, start DS4 again disable steam input again, but now with messed up controller keybinds. (I've tried changing the keybinds too, but not possible)
What happens when the bug occurs? I've figured out which one is which when I press something: L2 is circle, R2 is X, L1 = square, R1 = triangle, the d-pad isn't used, the buttons are d-pads but X is up and triangle is down.
What should be happening instead? Should function as a normal controller like other games.
I've tried it all to fix this. Delete PROFSAVEs from documents, disable overlays, enable/disable steam input, ds4, re-install, etc. I think it's just BF2042 and BF4 cause I've only experienced it with these 2 games. BF1, BF5 and other games like Brawlhalla works fine.
It was fine in the beta and first the first day of launch, but I changed one setting and it messed everything up.
I was trying to record the problem where I play the game, that it keeps me looking down and can't look up with mouse or with the R joystick. Only when you press L2, the more I pressed, the higher it looks up. Also crouching/proning at the same time. But when I started the game, it said "directx function getdeviceremovedreason...". I just wait about 2 minutes to start it again, and it can succeed, sometimes.
I had another controller problem before all this, but it's a small problem compared to this (but still would like to be fixed).
Sorry about the long post, I just tried to be very detailed.
@JarskyPlaysI found the fix! I did the opposite they told me to do. I re-enabled my overlays, both on origin and steam. I also changed Steam properties from the C: folder and ran compatibility troubleshooter selecting high DPI settings. I don't know if that's the exact reason, but I believe it's just enabling overlays again.
So my settings are:
Steam input to Global PS/Xbox.
Enable Origin-in-game overlay and Steam.
No DS4.
Edit Nov2022:Deleted the unnecessary info about DPI.
I got a new PC, RTX 3090, i9 12900KS. Still got the same problem i wrote about.
Fixed it again by enabling overlays.
I succeeded DS4 too, by disabling Steam Input (on steam BF2042 properties), and used Xbox 360 controller emulator on DS4 controller settings.
Edit Dec2024:
Some people solved the problem with EA Play BF2042, using step 4 or 5 in this video.