Product: Battlefield 2042
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number Nvidia GTX1070
Enter RAM memory size in GB 8 gigs
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Game Menu
In which game menu were you when the bug occurred? Profile / Badges
Please select your region North America
On which server did this happen? North America
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 08.09.22 11:34
Summarize your bug Season 2 - Same Issue Badges are leveling up and down randomly. Appears to be season badges only
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Look at your season badge - play a full match (do it in all out war, as portal causes worse issues) - Check badge again
What happens when the bug occurs? The levels you gained dont count
What should be happening instead? The count of the levels you get should apply
It appears Season 2 still has a bug that occurs.
Badges are not leveling correctly.
For the past few days I should of had the bronze badge. Today I play a random match and get a few points (had the dailies done, so i got somewhere between 5-8 points for joining an in progress match)
- I suddenly got the Bronze Badge
- I check after the match, it's at 162 which for bronze needs 150
- There was NO way I got to 162 in that single match. Nor do I believe I could of got from 149 to 162, assuming I was 'stopped' before it.
This is even worse as my Leve 4 Season 1 badge (the pure gold one) is now DEGRADED to Level 3 (see attached).
We couldn't even accurately track it last season, so why did it lie? This badge system for the season is horrible.
- Season 1 was just as bad, but it sounds like badges would even be lowered in some cases
- Some people say Portal matches help, however this seems inconsistent. I personal tried it and had my scores LOWER, then RAISE depending. Or RAISE then LOWER depend. It's not a good solution
- I've recommended multiple solutions.
@EA_Leeuw and @EA_Atic both are aware from the first ticket (see below), but sometime needs to be done.
- How can the weapons work just fine, but these do not?
Previous Ticket:
----- Last comment on previous ticket ------
Sadly, you are 100% right as it's still happening into Season 2.
Season 2's badge JUST leveled today when I had over 150 points 2 days ago. Plus the match I played today did not get me anything over 13 points (assuming i 'somehow' was stopped at 149 before today)
Season 1's badge however, has gone down. I had the Pure Gold (level 4 badge) but now looking, It's back to level 3.
What is going on with this? @EA_Atic Something has to be done with these badges.
I'd suggest just tying the badges to the pass level. You have it set up to do: level 10 for Badge 1, 25 for 2, 50 for 3, 75 for 4, 100 for 5. It'll make it simple to follow and just be easier to know when you earn it.