Here is more info to add to this mystery, When I start the game from the EA App, it then creates a Folder called "Game", in it is "httpcache" inside it is a lot of GARBAGE in this folder...... 44 items/files that are just numbers with no file extension. "C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Game\httpcache\"
So when I start the game using the EA APP, as soon as it creates the "Game" folder, I immediately DELETE it. Whoa and behold ..... I can actually Play the game!!!! I do notice that the game loads MUCH MUCH slower, but I'm happy to say I can get in the game.
@AntiCheatWard , I have proven multiple times now that this "Work Around" works to get me in the game, Hopefuly others read this and try for themselves and help prove me right, so this is a local PC issue that either your AC software or the Game itself is messing with our computers...... What is it and Why?? Can we get a "Coder" from EA to chime in on this??
Looking forward to any type of reply, because this is ridiculous, and this started for me at the beginning of Season 7 of the game.