@CLOWNVID-19 This is incredibly bizarre. :')
By all accounts your anticheat client should be able to reach our backend, and yet, nothing is happening there.
Can you try adding an exclusion to the Windows Firewall explicitly for C:\Program Files\EA\AC\EAAntiCheat.GameService.exe and the GameServiceLauncher.exe that can be found in your game install directory?
If on Steam, the default should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Battlefield 2042\EAAntiCheat.GameServiceLauncher.exe.
Try that and let me know if it improves your disconnect outcome. Would also be helpful if you could share MSInfo and let me know what, if any, anti-virus or anti-malware software you're running besides Windows Defender.
We cover around the top 20 vendors in our own testing, but we can't account for everything, so just trying to check if it's perhaps an incompatibility somewhere!