For all you windows 8.1, AMD 5-6xxx series vid cards experiencing this problem.. I think I've finally managed to get it to work, until AMD/DICE fixes the issue. This fix icreases CPU usage but significantly reduces/rids you of the memory leak.
1) Get into your power options from control panel and make sure that you have it set as 'HIGH PERFORMANCE'
2) Download Park_Control from here:
Back up your power settings, and then Disable CPU parking (instructions provided by software)
I was using BF4 64bit and it worked fine for hours, no freezes, no memory leaks (at least not 95%-100% leak, instead the leak is more like 30%). You will however notice, a CPU usage increase..but anyway its a decent fix till DICE/AMD fix this memory leak issue.
Give XP if you tried this and it worked
This solution, appeared to work, but upon playing the game later, the memory leak resurfaced. Im wondering if only certain maps seem to trigger it or not?
Sorry folks.