Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
12 years ago

I just finished the BF4 campaign and got nothing unlocked.

I've just spent about 6 hours trying to unlock some achievements and weapons by playing the BF4 campaign, I played it from beginning to end on Normal, and once I got back to the main menu, nothing was saved. I haven't unlocked a single thing, and I can't replay missions (as though I never played it).

This is extremely frustrating. Is this a bug or something? Did other people experience this? My PS3 has at least 17 GB of free space.

  • Hi guys, there appears to be 2 different issues here.

    As others have said, the Valhalla, Peacemaker and Final Duty assignments have different requirements. I don't want to give spoilers, but they're related to your final choice.

    Also, if your weapons/tags haven't unlocked at all, complete one round of multiplayer and the unlocks should appear.

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