Nell’attesa di news ho scritto alla Dice, non penso di aver risposto. Ma almeno l’ho fatto.
Hi Dice, Hi Guys,
I’m Luca and I’m from Italy; so beg your pardon for my mistakes.
I play on PS4 and my nickname is rhazon.
I’m your fan since BFBC2 (awesome game) and I played all your games.
Thanks to you I founded a Battlefield clan called GOD, about ten years ago, and met many friends.
We play together every evening and once at year we meet together in rally.
We came from every part and we are “brothers”, all of this thanks to you.
So I write you to spend some words about last chapter of Battlefield,
I still know from this summer BFV will close.
What’s happened, guys?
I loved you, but BFV seem not be your game!
Just only after an year and half you give up this project, unbelievable.
I know I can’t achieve nothing with this mail, but I would say you that there are veteran player embittered by this game (rich of bug, unbalanced, with unstable server) and I would say you to push and fix all issues, and give us Your truly Battlefield.
Please, don’t give up guys!
I would support you for years in future and I don’t want leave your games.
Thanks again for your attention.
Hi guys, I will be sincerely glad to hear good news from you.
GOD Clan founder