@L1mt7 As @tesla said, giving information regarding another player is a breech of privacy. What DICE does with the reported player is between them. I know this may not be the answer you want to hear but with all things involving another party and a mediator (in this case DICE), after you have made your report, the following events are no longer in your hands. So would be the same if you reported someone for criminal activity in real life, Police would take your statement but they wont go through their procedure with you as its a need to know basis, if they need more information they will contact you.
I can however confirm DICE does investigate report claims as I have been reported a number of times for "cheating" due to simply flying a fighter and getting between 50 - 100 kills a game will 0 deaths. DICE investigated me and found there was nothing nefarious go on and thus the case was dropped. Another testimony I can provide is someone I reported a while ago was looked into and their game profile can no longer be found.
The fact is DICE needs to have solid proof through either a provided video (preferably through spectator mode) of the alleged cheating and they will check into the game data to see if anything is amiss, otherwise it becomes a game of he said she said.
Like all online games, there are many players simply salty about certain other players and mass report them, these real claims go in the same queue and unfortunately the false accusations create a backlog and waste the company's time as each report needs to be investigated properly. For QA reasons they can't just dismiss them as they don't know which claim is real and which isn't until they investigate them. With a player base in the hundreds of thousands if not millions, you can imagine how many reports there are made daily. You just need to be patient, your report will be review when it reaches that point in the queue.
DICE does care about it and have done what they can to make reporting people as easy as possible, as I said before, with a player base as large as Battlefield, DICE cannot simply be everywhere and see everyone. If we as the player base truly care about this game we paid for, then it's our duty and obligation to do what we can, when we can, to assist DICE weed out the bad apples. This is not going to be an easy battle as these types of people will be persistent but so should we.