6 months ago
General Attitude on the Board
There seems to be a persuasive attitude of entitlement on the board. While I understand there are certain aspects of the game that are flawed or not to YOUR expectations, the approach of demanding,...
People who complain about EA 24/7, buy their games, then continue to complain 24/7 about said game always crack me up.
OP could've worded it better, but they're not wrong. The level of entitlement is extremely high simply because people expected one thing and received something different simply because they played the College Revamped version of NCAA 14. What people fail to realize is that College Revamped was a project construed by people who *can* devote the majority of their time to focusing on NCAA 14 and were building upon a game that was *already released* whereas CFB 25 was built from the ground up with the intentions of creating more variety by a studio of about 500 people who work on multiple games at a time.
On top of that, have you guys even read the bugs report section? At least half the time the posts are "FIX YOUR GAME EA" with little to no information on what "bug" they're experiencing (usually its just people mad something didn't go their way) and expect an immediate fix within the hour while they continuously moan and groan throughout. How are they supposed to fix bugs if the posts are just "FIX YOUR GAME"?
Finally, people are complaining "THERE'S SO MUCH WRONG WITH THE GAME AND ALL THEY PATCHED WERE UNIFORMS!!!" which tells me that you either did not read the long Title Update which was 95% bug fixes and updates to the game and 5% cosmetic or you know you're wrong but want to feel justified in throwing a temper tantrum online.
Don't like the game? Don't play it. Think there's issues with the game that need to be fixed? Then provide information on what is happening, where it is happening, and how you can replicate it instead of "FIX GAME" and "REPLICATE BY PLAYING THE GAME!!!" Mad that's it not College Revamped? Play College Revamped or get over it.
Thank you for reading and have a blessed day 🙂
@KaylonGrace "level of entitlement is extremely high"
LMAO so you think that if someone buys something expecting to receive a good product for their money and that product is trash, then they complain and want that product fixed they are being entitled??????? Oh man would I love to sell you some beach front property in Kansas or how about a bridge in Brooklyn.
Good job not actually reading my post and getting upset over one line!
If you actually read it, you would’ve understood that I state the level of entitlement is high because of the people who complain about the game in bug reports due to *actual features intended in the game* while also just screaming FIX YOUR GAME without stating what is wrong or being upset that it’s not the same as College Revamped which again, was a project devoted by multiple people whose sole focus was on that over the course of 11 years.
Plus the people who looked at the long list of updates and bug fixes in the Title Update and state “tHeY oNlY aDdEd MoRe CoSmEtIcS” when that was only about 5% of the update and the rest devoted to bug fixes.
There is a HUGE difference between expecting better and working towards improving a game and just screaming “GAME BAD” or “FIX GAME” all over the forums while providing no actual feedback.
If you want the game to improve, stop clogging bug reports and the rest of the forums with “GAME BAD” complaints and change your attitude to actually provide quality feedback which is what OP is trying to highlight and something I agree with.
But good job completely missing the point and then stating a worn out long joke. It was sooooo funny, you really got me there. How did you come up with that? 🙂