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A bug in rivals
I am facing a game bug when i already passed division 2 rivals check point and already played some games in division 2 but after that i found i suddenly downgraded to division 3 again without any reason , meanwhile i got zero help from EA online help , is there is anyone here facing this issue ?Shadoblackknight2 hours agoNew Novice27Views0likes3CommentsCFB 25 is terrible
It seems as if the ppl who created this game asked for zero input from real football players. How do I run a cover 3 and my left outside linebacker sprints to the right side of the field leaving the streaking tight end open for a touchdown I’m already usering the middle guy but I have to account for my cpu guided player to take himself out the play?? Is that their way of simulating a less composed player? Playing against the CPU is some of the most unrealistic dog crap I’ve ever experienced. How do I run normal offensive plays and their defenders bump mine off route to the point they just stop running whole time the cpu is running the route my guy was supposed to???? Game is a joke. Should be of this garbage you put out.CooooachD2 days agoRising Newcomer51Views0likes1CommentServer cannot process request
Everytime I put my lineup together and get 50/50 Ohio state chemistry. I cannot load into a game I get servers cannot process request. And yes I know the work around is generate best lineup but I spent all those coins to get they 50/50 I should be able to use it.ES34261BALLER2 days agoSeasoned Newcomer14Views1like0CommentsFix it!
I just want to say, im getting really tired of this error code after I finish a game. It doesn't save my progress and I have to replay the whole game. Why can't it save it after the game is over that way it can go back and you still keep your progress?? Im tired of replaying hard games, just to do it all over again. It's seriously aggravating. Im about to be done. I'm tired of playing the same game 2 or 3 times, or never knowing if any of it counts. Fix it!! I don't care how, just fix it.Openwounds4202 days agoRising Newcomer7Views0likes0CommentsKent State Blackout Uniforms | 4 Helmets
Silent Uniform Updates Have Occurred All Season XBOX Series X | Gamertag: prettyrickey2 | Kent State Blackout Uniforms | 4 Helmets (Photos Attached): This thread is for those of us who appreciate authenticity and attention to detail for the “Kent State Golden Flashes”! First, “ALL” Kent State Uniforms are in the game, except the New Black Uniforms and White Helmets {Black Decals Ohio State Outline with Jersey Number (on Right), Flash Bolt (on Left) and Black Single Stripe down the Center Shell}, debuted 9/28/24. Additionally, the Kent State Golden Flashes are missing their UA Logo on the back/front of the White Socks, as well as the absence of the Navy Blue Socks and Black Socks — “ALL” all with the UA Logo PLACED ON THE BACK. I am genuinely asking for EA Creators to update the official Alternate Kent State Black Uniforms with White Helmets and Black Decals.prettyrickey22 days agoRising Traveler10Views0likes0CommentsRetirement stats/montage for dynasty mode
I've loved playing the Dynasty mode in CFB. Loved going from an Offensive Coordinator of a smaller school to a Head Coach of a National Championship team. Played 30 game years. When I choose to retire and try again with a other style and career path, i was so disappointed. There was no fanfare, no end of career stats, no montage of career highlights. Please in future versions add this. Also do it for players careers. Even just a shot video showing them getting drafted or not. I think it's a cheap move to force me to buy Madden just to see a draft stat. I love CFB, loved the first version. And want to play as a college coach. Please add this small reward.MSGS19773 days agoRising Newcomer7Views0likes0CommentsXbox Idle Loss
I was recently in an online game (Road to College Football Playoff) and while playing, I received multiple notifications on my Xbox…and because I checked them when it popped up, I was automatically kicked from my game. I got the notification that I would receive a loss because I was “idle” for too long. Keep in mind, it was the third quarter and I was winning so I was not idle. This should be fixed. Anybody else getting weird losses?10Views0likes0Comments- KaziAlii4 days agoNew Novice12Views1like0Comments
Offer a patch update for $30 bucks...
Ok, simple ideas. I love college fb. I am happy cfb is finally back. Since sports games historicaly don't change all that much year to year (short development cycle etc) why not just consider selling 30-40 $ update patches with updated rosters, play mechanics etc. Yearly? Just a thought.blackshirts7776 days agoSeasoned Novice39Views1like0Commentsterrible game
we gotta do something about the “cheese” plays in the game it’s ridiculous. someone shouldn’t be able to run the same exact defensive plays every play and get through the line with ease. it’s makes the game just unplayable. people pay all this money for cards and yall just sit over there and take money like some greedy pigs but don’t actually do anything to fix or help the game smdh.justpatheticgame6 days agoSeasoned Newcomer30Views0likes0CommentsUltimate Team- Player Appearance
One thing that doesn’t sit right with me about this game, mostly because of how ridiculously easy this would be to fix is the laughably improper equipment and player appearance in the games. For example, how did Gronk end up getting a Schutt F7 helmet when he’s never touched that bucket in his entire life? WHY DOES MY LAMAR JACKSON WEAR AN AXIOM. HE LOOKS LIKE MIKE PENIX FOR CHRIST SAKES. This is only the tip of the iceberg. The 97 signing day Mariota looks identical to Dillon Gabriel on the field. That’s straight up insulting to everyone involved. This lack of attention to detail really encapsulates the lack of football knowledge that exists in the EA studios when it comes to these games, as well as the inability to work on the little details of the game that make it feel so authentic and immersive. I genuinely dare you guys to get SOMEONE with half decent ball knowledge with a voice on your meetings and you will make a lot more of your fans happier including myself. Hire me at this point I don’t see where I could go wrong in pointing out all the blindness that went into creating some of the stuff in this game.jackbelter7 days agoRising Novice20Views0likes0CommentsCUT- EA PLEASE READ THIS
For us devoted Ultimate Team players who would rather grind the game out with some integrity and not put a ton of money into packs, I speak for all of us in saying PLEASE MAKE THE FIELD PASS BETTER. So far it has been a disappointment almost each and every season, but season 5 is where I’ve reached my limit. What in gods name is the point in grinding out every single challenge just to complete them in a couple days, only progress like 4-5 levels and get the most embarrassingly bad fantasy packs and **bleep** rewards like 4k coins and strategy items. Add some actual intriguing rewards like decent fantasy packs, more coins, training, packs from various programs. I don’t even think I’m asking for much, just a little excitement mixed with appropriate rewards would be great. On top of this, why not add in some more difficult challenges that will take longer so us people who want to progress the field pass throughout the week rather than just the first 2 days can get more rewards? I swear to god you must whip up these decisions at the end of the week and toss out the lost measly and useless rewards for us to play with. Have a serious conversation and figure it tf out please. Yours truly- EVERYBODYjackbelter7 days agoRising Novice29Views1like0CommentsFor College football 26
For road to glory, I ask you make it back like old days when you can start in high school and work your way up. Then when you get to college make it where you can play all other offensively or defensively plays like kickoff and punt return. I also feel like you guys should put a 5v5 or 7v7 playground mode like madden showdown and you guys should make it where we can team up on road to glory but name it something else.TGrizzly2k57 days agoNewcomer46Views0likes0CommentsEA loyalty pack NCAA 25
Anyone else have a problem with those, I’m under the impression that each month you are to receive a loyalty pack from EA. I have Xbox Ultimate and that comes with EA play which I notice because there’s a discount rate in the store for ncaa 25. Well I pre ordered the game and I’m pretty positive I’ve received one, if not zero loyalty packs since the game has been released. Would like to know what the steps are to fixing itSt1nkyThumb7 days agoRising Newcomer36Views0likes3CommentsCollege Football 26 Wish List
I know I'm not the first or only one to make one of these but I wanted to go ahead and make one. DYNASTY Add a Create A Conference feature. As a WVU fan myself I've always thought it kind of weird they are in the Big 12 ever since the Big East collapsed. I normally put them in the ACC because it makes more sense to me. But it would be nice to recreate the Big East. Add a Custom Recruit or Edit Recruit feature. I know you can do it now but only after they've been signed to your team. Add historical records for teams, conferences, awards, champions, etc. Also add audio for when records are broken. This may be hard to do but a feeder system feature would be cool. Something like the best non-power conference team gets to replace the worst power conference team every season. Make it easier to find a school's rivals. A more in depth Top Stories section. Include shocking upsets, injuries, and maybe an NFL tie-in. Not NFL stories per say but maybe something like a player decides he's going to stay for another year or a top player decides not to go to the NFL. Ability to set what time and weather a game is played at. I haven't played NCAA 14 for a long time but I remember a feature where you could select that location's current weather. Bring College Gameday to Dynasty. I know I'm not the only one that would love to see Pat McAfee and the crew in the game. ROAD TO GLORY Personally, I would like it if when doing something on the Weekly Agenda it would only cost 1 action no matter what it was. I understand they want to make you balance everything like a collegiate athlete would but it's also a video game. MAKE THE UNDERSHIRT MATCH THE SLEEVES. I don't know why they didn't include this but it drives me insane when an undershirt is white but I have green sleeves or whatever. If you earn enough Coach Trust to become the starter and win the position battles, you shouldn't be sent back down the depth chart the next season if there are players with a higher overall than you. Maybe if they sign a transfer player better than you I can understand it. But if it's the same players you shouldn't have to redo all the position battles. Limit the school choices when picking a school. A feature I liked in NCAA 14 was you weren't able to pick whatever school you wanted to after your high school season, thus forcing you to choose between schools that were actually interested in you. Maybe they can make it to where based on what star rating you pick for yourself they can simulate some high school stats and make to where only 6-7 schools are interested in you when you go to sign with one. Bring back the dorm room background with team banners and your awards on a shelf. Add the ability to choose whatever position you want to play as. Personally for offense I like to play as a tight end and for defense I like to be an edge rusher. I think everyone who's played enough RTG can agree that we need to earn skill points faster. It's rough playing an entire season and only being able to go up maybe 2-3 overall at the most. Not saying we should be a maxed out 99 after one season but if I start as a 79 overall Freshman I think it would make sense if after one season I could be a 84-86 Sophomore. Especially on the defensive side as a CB. You can play a really good game at that position but because you hardly have any stats you don't get XP to get skill points. GENERAL For teambuilder add a create a stadium feature. I like being able to create my field but I should also be able to make my own stadium. I don't want to have to go through and find a stadium with little to no branding when I make a custom school. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND HOLY BRING BACK THE FIGHT SONGS. The drumline is cool and all but it gets very annoying after a while. Especially if you play Dynasty like I do and only play big games and spend the rest of your time recruiting. You already have audio files for every fight song so this shouldn't be too hard to do. Add custom facemasks to the game. Maybe not necessarily custom facemasks but just more of them. For instance, Schutt and Riddell seem to be making almost the exact same facemasks but just in their own style (ex. Schutt's EGOP III-NB-VC and Riddell's *-SF-2EG-HP) and it bothers me when I see a facemask I really like the look of but I can't wear it in-game. An example would be this year I'm noticing that a lot of players with Riddell Axiom helmets now have top bar facemasks. Also when you pick a helmet, make it to where only facemasks that fit that helmet will show in the list. Add a temperature feature so that I can only wear sleeves if it's below 40 degrees or something like that. Add in dangling mouthpieces or mouthpieces that are shoved into the bars of a facemask. Also make it to where as a player is walking off the field after a bad play they undo their chinstrap. Add another untucked jersey selection. Several players choose to wear their jersey in a way that only their backplate is showing. That should be on here as well. CFB to Madden Player Export This is really only geared towards Road to Glory but I still wanted to include it. If I go though a 3-4 year long college career, get to 99 overall, max out my abilities, and win multiple awards and championships, why am I a 65 overall in Madden Superstar? I could understand getting knocked down to a 75-80 overall like most of the top rookies are when Madden comes out. But 65? Really?3.4KViews4likes27CommentsCollege Football 25 Difficulty Levels
With College Football 25, why are the difficulty levels so drastic between each of the levels? freshman is easy like it should be, then varsity is two steps up. DRASTIC difference. In my opinion TOO big of a difference. I would like to see this changed a bit as I am still finding it difficult to win on varsity but freshman is way too easy.1KViews6likes2Comments