6 months ago
General Attitude on the Board
There seems to be a persuasive attitude of entitlement on the board. While I understand there are certain aspects of the game that are flawed or not to YOUR expectations, the approach of demanding,...
With the caveat that so far I only play offline dynasty, I have thoroughly enjoyed this game. That is despite not being able to fully enjoy a Navy dynasty because of the bugs in the playbook and stats for flexbone and then the last patch preventing the type of recruiting needed for that offense (switching freshman positions).
I do wonder if some here are hurting their enjoyment of a game because they are stuck on the bugs. Granted, I read some complaints and haven't seen some of the more frustrating ones.
I also see a ton of complaints are most likely not understanding the game rather than a bug.
I have used sliders to be able to play on Heisman and have the most varied game I have ever experienced in a football game. The AI adapts to my tendencies slowly in game and even over the course of the season and into the next season.
Yes, things need to be fixed and we may not trust this team next year no matter what they say if the major problems are not addressed.
But please remember to enjoy what you can while continuing to highlight the flaws here.
I started playing the new Madden and quickly lost interest. College football is more my passion. I was frustrated with CFB 25 because of the offline dynasty bugs on recruiting and lack of jobs. They fixed recruiting but I don’t want to play if I’m gonna be stuck at one school because I don’t get offered better jobs. I recently picked up the game again with a 3 coach dynasty. I’m only playing as OC/DC and I’ve set recruiting to auto. It’s not how I want to play but I’m trying to give the game a go. Fingers crossed the next patch fixes the issues we have with the game.