Online Dynasty Player vs Player Game Crash and Records 2-0 Final Score
Product: EA SPORTS™ College Football 25
Platform:Xbox Series X
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox Series X
What is your gamertag/PSN ID?
Date/time issue occurred 7/29/2024 - Roughly 3:30pm Pacific
What type of issue do you have? Crash/Freeze
Which mode has this happened in? Dynasty
Summarize your bug I was playing a human vs human game in an Online Dynasty when the game just dumped me straight to the main menu absent of any input from me. From opponent's perspective the game said I conceded. Team Schedule is now showing the game completed with our stats and score per game quarter intact, but it shows final score 2-0 when in reality we were 35-28 in the 4th qtr. There doesn't seem to be any option to replay the game or change the result. Incidentally caused my coach to get fired in an online dynasty that we're trying to take seriously. 6/6 record...
How often does the bug occur? Occasionally (10% - 49%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Test online Dynasty player vs player games for aberrant disconnects and menu drops. Review online Dynasty game results for 2-0 final game scores and compare against game stats and per quarter scoring breakdown.
What happens when the bug occurs? Online Dynasty player vs player match ends abruptly with one player sent back to CFB 25 main menu and the other player seeing a message to the effect that their opponent has conceded. Dynasty then records incorrect game result with a weird 2 to 0 score. The particular scheduled game in question can not be replayed and the incorrect game result can not be modified.
What do you expect to see? Online Dynasty player vs player games should resolve without EA server disconnects or software crashes. In the event of either a software crash or a connectivity issue that ends match gameplay prematurely the match in question should be replayable. Crashes and disconnects should not default to unalterable game results.
I was playing a human vs human game in an Online Dynasty when the game just dumped me straight to the main menu absent of any input from me. From opponent's perspective the game said I conceded. Team Schedule is now showing the game completed with our stats and score per game quarter intact, but it shows final score 2-0 when in reality we were 35-28 in the 4th qtr. There doesn't seem to be any option to replay the game or change the result.
Incidentally caused my coach to get fired in an online dynasty that we're trying to take seriously. 6/6 record...
Here's a link to a reddit thread on the topic. I'm not the only one who has run into this particular issue.