Forum Discussion
43 Replies
Seeing as it appears that this system is currently irretrievably broken I've all but given up on this project until the team at EA decides to get off of their lazy butts and do...something...anything to fix TB. Its not like this game hasn't been in development for at least 2 years at this point. At this point I'm pretty much calling it a failure. Great job EA team, you've done it again.
I am having the same issue too. All I get is blank images.
- @SuperQueso32 Same issue, tried 3 different browsers, 2 different devices, and 2 accounts and nothing works
Always someone that states the obvious, but ea fails yet again
I am having this same issue. My logo meets all the requirements but when I upload the photo it shows a blank box. I also have tried to go view teams that others have created and none of them will fully load. I am not able to see jerseys or logos.
I can't get any of my images to upload at all. I tried different sizes and everything. I just keep getting the spinning circle. So frustrating.
That’s okay; all I get is the blue circle spinning and spinning, and nothing changes.
- BJSP33D8 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same. this is annoying
Hmm for me it's just the endless loop show it's uploading. Dimensions and size are right. But if anyone did get it to work, please upload your logo png file so I can try to see if it'll work on my end too.
Same for me
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