Forum Discussion
The problem I have is I can play without DLC (vanilla) but on zero hour there is no sound at all.
old the game games I got working but installing patches from other sites for online play etc
If the game was installed from CD and the game running on Windows 10 you need to patch it.
the CD version of the game comes with 1.04 and the latest is 1.08. go and find a patch file and install it come back if anything changes.
If the game was installed from Origin platform it would be working with no problems. but that's not always the case.
it's the little things that makes differences.
So try with other sound format Bit and Hz.
try to reinstall the right version of DIRECTX.exe when the game come out.
if you got an existing settings folder for the game at C: drive/documents
Delete current and Copy paste these
AntiAliasing = 1
BuildingOcclusion = yes
CampaignDifficulty = 2
DynamicLOD = yes
ExtraAnimations = yes
GameSpyIPAddress =
Gamma = 29
HeatEffects = yes
IPAddress =
IdealStaticGameLOD = Low
LanguageFilter = false
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MusicVolume = 50
Resolution = 1920 1080
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 70
SFXVolume = 70
ScrollFactor = 93
SendDelay = no
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = yes
UseCloudMap = yes
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = yes
VoiceVolume =60
Try aswell to update sound drivers, in my opinion it should not need to but this depends on what you got.
- 6 years ago
So I've got a an update for windows 10 user for with this DX error fix.
The first post is most linked to the issue you are having with the game.
Second It's not always work either, not everyone. If you still got this issue with your C&C generals games. the problem may be else where.
I recommend using this link for detailed on the matter
Scroll down to Win 7 -64bit and follow the instruction.
Usually Windows 10 already got the directx version (DX12). (as long there is a recognized GPU)
The game will automatically install it's own version of DX on install process.
other who speaks out (installing older version of DX) won't give the effect cuz of the latest DX version is already installed.
So if the Link won't help you or the .ddl files wont fix the issue.
you mate be looking at windows itself as files are missing, corrupted, in order for it to work.
(Reinstall the game start from scratch delete .dll files) that's it.
If the game not passed both first or second solved method the third will be reinstalling your windows.
If you are running Older version of OS don't look on this post it won't probably help you.
get again go to the link above and look for the right OS you are running on.
- 2 years ago
THANK YOU!! this fixed my direct x 8.1 issue deleting the .dll file did nothing but copying and pasting that info (in your post) did the trick
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- 2 hours ago