Forum Discussion
I have been scrolling through this list, called 3 times to EA, and i tried this and actually worked. thanks a ton. Honestly have no clue why it worked, but it did lol.
hi I just bought the collection to play generals and zero hour. After 3 hours of trying to figure it out - this was what I had to do in order to get Generals Working:
1. Install the titles through Origin Client
2. Origin Client - Game Options - Disable cloud saving and Origin
3. In your user/documents - any C&C folders go into and open options.ini and change your resolution and save the file
4. Any patch for your games from @Nyerguds posts helping other players - (for me - generals & Gentool)
5. Delete the dbhelp.dll in the root game folders.
6. I got generals working atm, still can't get zero hour yet.
Once it actually booted up Gentool downloaded an 'origin fix patch' and it starts up totally fine. (I forgot you can't skip the cutscenes!)
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