One-stop C&C info thread
Many of the issues people have with Command & Conquer games repeat, and some of them emerged after the current pinned threads were made. So, to consolidate all solutions and to make things easier to find and link back to, I've posted these community solutions in a unified thread.
Installation / patching
In order to get your game up and running, try installing and patching the games using the tech guides from These are categorized by game, and cover all possible versions of the games:
- retail
- freeware (where applicable)
- Steam (where applicable)
- Origin (individual games, where applicable)
- The First Decade (where applicable)
- The Ultimate Collection
There are also guides for the entire The First Decade and The Ultimate Collection compilations for those who love C&C so much that they absolutely have to have all the games installed at the same time, as well as quick instructions on how to install DirectX 9.0c and bypass (legally!) the recent block of the SafeDisc driver in modern Windows operating systems.
These guides are done step-by-step, but don't forget to look at the notices at the bottom of the pages for classic C&C games, such as specific Windows 8/10 fixes for Red Alert 2 and setting up custom resolutions!
You can find the guides here:
(If the staff would prefer, I can transfer individual game guides to here, but the reason I didn't is that they're kinda... big.).
For most of the Command & Conquer games, the official multiplayer servers are down. Luckily, fan-made alternatives exist, with communities large enough to get games going.
- CnCNet - for games up to and including Yuri's Revenge, plus a few mods -
- XWIS - for all Westwood-branded games with multiplayer -
- C&C:Online - for games between Generals and Red Alert 3, including the expansions -
Tip: peak times are in European evenings.
These games can also be played in LAN emulators such as Evolve, LogMeIn Hamachi and GameRanger.
If something changes, I will update the first post, or ask a CM or Hero/Champion to do it.